Even The Lost (джен)
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Squirrel | Percival & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Pym & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), arthur & The weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), All friendships no ships, athough it can be pre Lancelot/Gawain if you squint, but they also just be read as buddies if you'd prefer, Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Pym (Cursed), Kaze (Cursed)
Injured Lancelot, Hurt Lancelot, tw for descriptions of Lancelots injuries and blood, Protective!Percival, the green knight lives, And saves the day, Lancelot is secretly charismatic, looook I know this fic has been done a million times but i couldn't resist, the whump is just too good and i needed some comfort for lancelot, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Post-Season/Series 01, tw for self harm because of Lancelot's history, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Blood and Injury, Lancelot passes out a lot
16.09.2020 — 16.09.2020
Percival and Lancelot are traveling together to where the Fey are camped out after Lancelot's fight with the Trinity Guard. They hoped to make it all the way to the camp, but Lancelot is more injured than he let on and they are forced to stop. Luckily, rescue comes in the form of the Green Knight. Now they just need to get Lancelot safely to camp and convince the Fey not to kill him on sight.
Последнее обновление: 19 сентября 2020.
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