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Tides of Fortune (смешанная)

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tsukithewolf ещё 7 произведений
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto/Uraraka Ochako, Maybe some Midoriya Inko/Yagi Toshinori, Mild Yaoyorozu Momo/Jirou Kyouka, Mild Kirishima Eijirou/Ashido Mina, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Todoroki Touya, Kaminari Denki, Sero Hanta
Based on Disney's Atlantis the Lost Empire (2001), Alternate Universe - Atlantis, You don't have to have seen the movie to understand what goes on, The story is loosely based on the movie and is otherwise very different, Romantic Fluff, Some Action, Romantic Cliches, Mutual Pining, rating may change later, Quick-burn love, All this water and yet these two are still so damn thirsty
293 Кб
В процессе
05.07.2019 — 10.10.2019
Over three hundred years ago, the Gods grew angry with the blessed people in the Atlantean Empire and sunk their capitol city and all of her people beneath the waves of the sea. Most of the people died during the Fall, but the Queen at the time managed to save a portion of the city from utter destruction. Those who are left live in the remnants of their home, but a curse has befallen them. They are living, but no longer thriving. And with each passing year, more of Atlantis loses herself.
Izuku was a child from Atlantis who had survived the Calamity, but not with the rest of his people. He was swept away, and only by a miracle he had survived. He seeks to find what happened to his home, and why the Calamity had occurred in the first place
Katsuki was one of the people who had survived in the city herself. As successor to the throne, he needs to earn his spot to take over for their dying king Toshinori. But to do that, he will need to figure out why the Gods have cursed them, and how to reverse the curse before it is too late to save anyone.
[On temporary hiatus. I do plan to finish this when I actually have time!]
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