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The World Isn't Ready for Us (смешанная)

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MonPetitTresor ещё 24 произведения
Loki/Tony Stark, Loki/Toni Stark, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Loki & Toni Stark, Tony Stark & Toni Stark, Toni Stark & Stephen Strange, Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Jarvis, Jane Foster (Marvel), Darcy Lewis, Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Sigyn (Marvel), Original Characters, Arianna Strange, Aldrich Killian
Time Travel Fix-It, Not Infinity War compliant, Infinity War spoilers, Spoilers for any movie before IW, Hurt Tony Stark, Hurt Toni, Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Tony Needs a Hug, Toni Stark has a heart, leave her alone, Gender Changes, two Tonys, Cause that's all the world needs, Toni and Stephen are bros, Tony and Toni are bros, Darcy Lewis & Loki Friendship, Darcy is Amazing, bisexual darcy, Fade-to-black smut, I'm not used to writing straight smut, I might try, in one shots, for those that want, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Not always Rogues friendly, I don't approve of what they did, but the new versions are better, Extremis, Killian - Freeform, Minor Character Death, Bad guys, Don't worry, Violence
455 Кб
10.09.2018 — 08.10.2018
Time travel was a tricky thing. Even with the aid of something like the Time Stone, it doesn’t always work out quite the way you’d expect.
When Strange used the Time Stone to send Tony Stark back in time, he’d intended on sending Tony back in a way that would merge him with his past self, allowing him to be able to relive his life and use that extra time to prepare for the coming war.
Only, things didn’t quite go according to plan. Instead of merging with his past self, the Time Stone simply took Tony and dropped him down into the world. And – as Stephen later explained – to keep the world from breaking under the paradox of two of the same beings, there were a few… minor changes.
Not that she was going to let something like a genderswap get in the way of her plans. If anything, this worked better for Toni. She could do what needed to be done from the sidelines. Let Tony stay the face of Iron Man. Let him deal with the team, and the press, and everything else like that, while Toni was free to work from the shadows.
She was going to do whatever it took to make sure her planet was protected this time around. Even if it meant allying herself with the very last person she’d ever expected.
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