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Heart of Darkness (гет)

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darklesmylove ещё 1 произведение
The Darkling/Alina Starkov, Nikolai Lantsov/Alina Starkov, The Darkling (The Grisha Trilogy), Genya Safin, Ivan (The Grisha Trilogy), Mal Oretsev, Zoya Nazyalensky, Tolya Yul-Bataar, Tamar Kir-Bataar, David Kostyk, Baghra (The Grisha Trilogy)
darklina forever, malaria sucks, Alternate Ending, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, some smut, but very plot driven, not as much nikolai, even tho I love nikolai, sike ivan isnt dead, aleksanderrrr, lil bit of violence, some dirty talk obvi, I mean the darkling plus innuendos, so sexy, Tension, sexual tension ;), So much angst, angsty aleks, some swearing I think idk, mal is back baby and he still sucks, baghra calls aleks OUT, You will love it, lots of sass, badass alina, I hate a taste for you once, spoiler she STILL has a taste for you aleks, romance is gonna be a #slowburn tho, omG alina ur my wEakNeSs, aleks is dramatic, but so is alina no surprise, did I mention mal is trash, aleks is a lovesick puppy, but also still down 4 murder, watching sunsets, some fluff thrown in there, MY BABIES, it gets better as it goes, various character deaths, its fine don't worry, Minor Original Character, how it should have ended, Basically, darkles always doing paperwork, why does he have so much paperwork, idk you tell me, Did I mention angst, if I've said it once I've said it a hundred times, aleks is a sex FIEND, Compromising, lots of negotiating, maybe some unconventional negotiating tactics ;), I need to stop myself, you may or may not get your heart ripped out, but you will love it, is that masochism idk, Picking Flowers, romantic walks through the garden, soft aleks is my aesthetic, dorkles, but also sinnamon roll aleks, he's still kind of an asshole also, what can ya do, PSA TO ANYONE COMING FROM THE SHOW:, book!mal is very different from show!mal so that is the reason for my excessive hate of him, this fic his character is pretty objectively written though as canon mal, so thats it thank you for listening
723 Кб
03.04.2018 — 04.11.2018
An alternate ending and bridge between Siege and Storm and Ruin and Rising, with the ending we deserve. Long AU :)"You think you can balance him, but he could just as easily drag you down into the darkness with him."
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