Azula's new pupil. (джен)
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Azula & Ursa (Avatar), Azula & Zuko (Avatar), Azula & Kiyi (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), June (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar), Ikem | Noren
Protective Azula (Avatar), Azula (Avatar) Redemption, Azula Needs Therapy (Avatar), Past Child Abuse, Childhood Trauma, Child Abuse, Safe For Work, Dreams and Nightmares, Attempted Murder, Manipulation, Mentor/Protégé, Family, Family Feels, Caring
17.12.2021 — 19.11.2024
This story takes place after the comics from "The search" and diverges from the story of the comics from there and on (the first chapter gives a summary of the relevant bits of the comics).
After Zuko's mother, Ursa, returns to the palace alongside her newest daughter, Kiyi, and her new husband, Ikem, Azula sneaks inside and kidnaps her half-sister Kiyi, in an attempt to hurt her mother by taking away the 'daughter that she did love'.
After learning that Kiyi still has not fully understood that her mother had a face change, and thinks of her as a stranger, Azula decides to use Kiyi, by turning her into a monster that not even her own mother can love, just as she is.
However, as Azula interacts with the girl that actually had loving parents while growing up, she starts to notice the cracks in her own mind, left by the lack of affection from her childhood, and her strict upbringing.
Meanwhile, Zuko and Ursa must find Kiyi before Azula harms her. However, Ursa has the intention to bring both her daughters back with her.
Последнее обновление: 20 ноября 2024.
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