When I am lost, On broken streets (слэш)0 07.10.2019
“I’m going to be completely honest with you,” Victor says, and Yuuri feels his heart drop to the pit of his stomach because nothing good ever followed that sentence. The room suddenly feels very cold. “I want to dance with you.” “What?” The word rushes out of Yuuri as he turns in shock, because surely Victor can’t have just said what Yuuri thinks he said. Victor looks down at him, too close, a...>>nd Yuuri’s heart stops. He’s so incredibly beautiful, even more so up close. Long lashes that fan over high cheekbones, silver hair perfectly styled, eyes bluer than the ocean outside the coast of Hasetsu. Lips made for kissing. Shit, Yuuri don’t think about kissing. or: Victor is losing his love for dance as he feels suppressed under his director's hard rules and with his dance partner Diana moving closer to retirement with out anyone to fill her place. A video of a pair of young dancers doing one of Victor and Diana's pieces emerges and has Victor intrigued. Mesmerised by the ballerina Victor goes to see him in the lead for Sleeping Beauty. It's a night that changes both of their lives. |
Автор: Linisen Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont/Christophe Giacometti, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov, Lilia Baranovskaya, OC - Character Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 54 Кб Статус: В процессе |
I don’t know who I’am, but I know I’m yours (слэш)0 08.09.2019
“Chriiis, what am I going to do?” Victor whines as he looks across the wide corridor at the group of boys he’s been eyeing for weeks now. Or is it months? It feels like years. “Just go over there and talk to him? How hard can it be?” “Easy for you to say,” Victor grumbles, very carefully eyeing the table. The cute boy seems to have found a group to hang out with, the same he was with they ...>>day Victor saw him that first day. They seem like a good group. Victor really hopes so. The cute boy deserves nice friends. “And say what? ‘Hi, I think you’re pretty, can I please take you ice skating?’” Victor says, rolling his eyes. It has to be just right when he talks to the cute boy. Victor can not screw it up. “I just want to know his name!” Or: a middle school AU where Victor falls head over heals for the new boy and is trying to stop blushing for two seconds just so he can ask for his name. |
Автор: Linisen Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti, Nishigori Yuuko Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 173 Кб Статус: Закончен |
It had to be you (слэш)0 06.08.2019
There is a new omega on screen, black short hair falling softly over his forehead, messy, but in a cute way. Almost as if it’s been styled to look like he just crawled out of bed, effortlessly beautiful. He’s in glasses, blue framed, deep brown eyes wide behind the lenses. He has a delicate nose, high but soft cheekbones, plump pink lips and a soft crimson blush coloring his cheeks. It’s only his ...>>face and upper body that’s visible on screen, and he’s in a soft looking knitted sweater, cream color complementing his skin perfectly. The customary collar around his neck is black, covering his scent glands while still drawing attention to his graceful neck. He’s gorgeous. Utterly breathtaking, and Victor can’t help but lean forward, eyes wide and ears focused on the lovely being on the screen. “H-Hi- uhm. I’m Yuuri.” or, Victor and Yuuri enter a dating program formed after the old time mating hunts where the alphas get omegas presented to them and choose who they want to hunt down. None of the omegas catches Victor's intrest, until Yuuri Katsuki comes on screen. |
Автор: Linisen Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov, Background, Phichit Chulanont/Christophe Giacometti Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 123 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Aria Amusement park (смешанная)0 18.05.2019
Yuuri's gotten a job at a fast food restaurant in an amusement park. He befriends his co-worker, Phichit who also work at the burger joint, The Ice Castle, along side Yuuko and their boss Mila. During introductions, Yuuri lays eyes on the most beautiful human he has ever seen, the Aria living legend, Victor. Victor is beautiful, successful and looks way to sad for someone that brilliant. But ...>>he's way out of Yuuri's league anyway. Not that Phichit agrees. ________________________________________________ or: all your favourite Yuri on Ice characters working in an amusement park. Nothing can go wrong, right? |
Автор: Linisen Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov, Michele Crispino & Sara Crispino, Victor Nikiforov & Yuri Plisetsky, Otabek Altin/Yuri Plisetsky, Leo de la Iglesia/Ji Guang-Hong, Phichit Chulanont/Lee Seung Gil, Christophe Giacometti/Christophe Giacometti's Boyfriend, Mila Babicheva, Katsuki Mari, Okukawa Minako, Georgi Popovich, Nishigori Takeshi, Nishigori Yuuko, Lilia Baranovskaya, Jean-Jacques Leroy, Anya (Yuri!!! on Ice), Isabella Yang, Celestino Cialdini, Anya's Boyfriend (Yuri!!! on Ice) Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 376 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Catfish: Yuuri & Vitya (слэш)0 25.02.2019
Dear Sara and Mila My name is Phichit Chulanont and I'm writing because over the last year, my best friend and roommate, Yuuri, have been talking to somebody online. Apparently they meet on a forum about dogs, and after chatting for a while exchanged numbers. Since they started talking I've noticed a change in Yuuri. He’s a lot less prone to anxiety and he’s more relaxed. He smiles more, and s...>>lowly his confidence has been building up. The problem is that Yuuri has no idea who he is talking to. He has seen no pictures and his information is rather limited. I've been trying to persuade him to push this ”IceKing” or as Yuuri calls him ”Vitya”, but I think he’s afraid to burst the bubble. I'm just so scared that this person is using him or is going to just disappear and break this beautiful, sweet cinnamon rolls heart. Please help! /Phichit ________________________________________________________ or; what happens if I give Yuuri Victor for one year without him knowing its Victor and I give Victor somebody who loves him for just being himself. With some added Mila/Sara pining, Phichit can't stay out of everybody business and all the fluff. |
Автор: Linisen Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Mila Babicheva/Sara Crispino, Mila Babicheva & Sara Crispino, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Michele Crispino, Isabella Yang, Leo de la Iglesia, Lee Seung Gil, Georgi Popovich, Yakov Feltsman, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice), Phichit Chulanont's Hamsters, Emil Nekola, Lilia Baranovskaya, Minami Kenjirou Рейтинг: R Размер: 272 Кб Статус: Закончен |
When I Kissed the Teacher (слэш)0 31.01.2019
Oh fuck Yuuri starts to sing, eyes fixed right on Victor. “Everybody screamed, When I Kissed the Teacher. And they must have thought they dreamed, When I Kissed the Teacher” Yuuris plump lips formed the words beautifully, making it hard to look away from his cupid bow. Yes. Victor would very much like to kiss those full lips. Preferably kiss Yuuri completely senseless. “All ...>>my friends at school, They had never seen the teacher blush Looked like a fool, Nearly petrified cause he was taken by surprise.” Victor is definitely blushing right now, which is a wonder because it feels like all his blood is rushing downwards towards his croch. Yuuri sways his hips in loose motions, making Victors breath hitch imagining what else those hips can do in a rhythm. |
Автор: Linisen Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime) Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont & Katsuki Yuuri, Christophe Giacometti & Victor Nikiforov, Leo de la Iglesia, Ji Guang-Hong, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice) Рейтинг: NC-17 Размер: 148 Кб Статус: Закончен |