Da Água e das Cinzas (гет)1 07.09.2020
" Alguns dizem que o mundo acabará em fogo, Outros dizem em gelo. Mas nessa saga arturiana o mundo começa em água e cinzas . " Nimue e Lancelot as duas face de um mesmo destino. |
Автор: DriSilv_a3 Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020) Персонажи: Nimue/The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Arthur/Red Spear | Guinevere (Cursed), Nimue (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Merlin (Cursed), Gawain | The Green Knight (Cursed), Arthur (Cursed), Morgana | Igraine (Cursed) Размер: 45 Кб Статус: В процессе |
From water and from ashes (гет)1 27.08.2020
"Some may say that maybe the world will end in fire or ice, but what matters is that in this story it starts in ashes and water." The girl who didn't feel like she belonged and the guy who was so lost that he didn't recognize his own origin enter a path towards each other and find their destiny. Also English is not my first language, there might be some mistakes. Sorry |
Переводчик: DriSilv_a3 Фандом: Cursed (TV 2020) Персонажи: Nimue & The Weeping Monk | Lancelot (Cursed), Nimue (Cursed), Squirrel | Percival (Cursed), Merlin Рейтинг: R Размер: 11 Кб Статус: В процессе |