Since when does Loki have anything without Asard?!1 10.01.2024
Inspired by graveltotempo's 'pink raspberry cosmo' series. In which Loki has had enough when he finally learns the truth of his parentage and his so-called mother thinks letting him become king is a GREAT idea when he is clearly in the midst of a mental breakdown. He politely disagrees, and walks away without a backwards glanc - much to Frigga's shock who was sure he had nowhere and nothi...>>ng to go to. Thor, upon finally returning to Asgard, has no idea what the idiot was thinking. Fast forwards a few years and he's resigned to not seeing his brother again for the forseeable futre. Then he learns his brother has a new life - on MIDGARD of all places - and has been keeping big secrets of his own. An introspective work mostly exploring Thor's thoughts on finding out who his brother really is, filtered though this is through Frigga's interpretations of it - who continues to manipulate her sons while playing the part of the grieving mother. Open-ended, but a scene/AU I couldn't get out of my head when reading the amazing referenced work (Loki/Tony hinted at and from the above work) |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Loki/Tony Stark, (background), Loki & Thor (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 14 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Loki knows he's Jotun...1 05.11.2023
Completely by accident, a much younger Loki discovers he's Jotun while off world. He freaks out, but eventually decides to go home - and find out how long it will take his 'parents' to come clean. Fast forwards 400 years and it is time for Thor's coronation. As in canon, he is not at all ready, and Loki knows it. Unlike in canon, he does not do anything so drastic to sabotage it. Yet, ...>>somehow, things still go wrong... How will events work out with a Loki who is done trying to fit into a mould he knows he is not biologically made for (not does he WANT to conform to)? He doesn't give a damn about fitting in or being 'worthy', but he still had appearances to keep up... |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Odin (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja & Loki (Marvel), mentioned - Character, Sif (Marvel), Warriors Three (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 37 Кб Статус: Закончен |
WHAT IF Loki had walked away sooner... (гет)1 24.02.2023
AU T:TDW where Loki basically told them to stuff it and walked away rather than accepting the regency as he did in canon in the first film. Loki left Asgard, hasn't been seen since. When the Dark Elves attack the palace, he arrives just in time to save the queen. What follows is lots of snark, family arguments, a confused Jane Foster, and a Loki who has better things to do than bother to let h...>>is family know he's back on the realm for the first time in years. (Another Evil Author work, but I loved the premise and decided to share) Terrible title again, lol. Though now I'm looking at it, I'm already thinking of various little ideas where Loki does just that in a variety of situations... Hmm... |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Jane Foster/Thor, Frigga | Freyja/Odin (Marvel), Background Loki/Sygin, (IMPLIED), Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 56 Кб Статус: Закончен |
"We have a weapon kept in a cage - why not use him?"0 09.02.2023
T:TDW AU. Frigga has some back up when Malekith tries to take Jane. He doesn’t care about much, but the chance to stab some people…? Yeah, he’s in. And he has some things to say to his ‘Father’ and ‘brother’, neither of whom have deigned to grace him with their presence since tossing him in a cell and throwing away the key. How will things change with a Loki who is not depowered to make Th...>>or look good, who is part of the initial battle, and who decides that no, actually, he’s not going back to his cell right now thanks? "He is a liability!” “We moulded him into a weapon for a thousand years, husband. We may as well make use of those skills when we have need, no?” … “Has it ever occurred to you that, had I wanted the throne, I would have waited five more seconds before killing Lauffey?” i.e. Loki is done playing nice. If his so-called family don’t want him, then he’s done playing by their rules. Jane is very confused, and hates this guy so much. Seriously, who does he think he is bad-mouthing Thor and Odin AllFather?! LOKI is the bad guy in this family, obviously! [extended summary inside] |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Jane Foster/Thor, Jane Foster (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Loki (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Odin (Marvel), The Einherjar (Marvel), Malekith (Marvel) Рейтинг: General Размер: 57 Кб Статус: Закончен |
What, don't tell me you're afraid of a little lightning?1 27.12.2021
AU Avengers (2012) When Thor threw Loki headfirst into that cliff, he had no idea he would break the mind control of the sceptre and Thanos' minions. This changes everything. With Loki not wanting the invasion, they can find the Tesseract and stop the portal quicker than in the film. How will this change things in the immediate future? And with the information Loki can provide, the...>>re is no one to tell Tony he is paranoid when the possibility of a second invasion comes up. With S.H.I.E.L.D. ignored and the UN approached, there is little Fury can do to gain control of the situation. One-shot (for now... yeah, I know I say that a lot!) |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Thor (Movies) Персонажи: Loki & Thor (Marvel), Loki & Tony Stark & Thor, Loki (Marvel), Avengers briefly, J.A.R.V.I.S. Рейтинг: General Размер: 75 Кб Статус: Закончен |
It's Not Always Black and White1 27.12.2021
AU Ragnarok ending, Bruce P.O.V. Where Asgard is not destroyed and Bruce tries to navigate life on another planet immediately after Hela's rampage while Thor tries to be the warrior king he thinks his people need and deal with whatever mess his brother's undoubtedly terrible rule has left. Except... Loki wasn't entirely terrible? Bruce has only ever heard about Asgard and Loki from Tho...>>r, and has heard much about how his people love the Thunderer. Now he meets someone who does NOT love Thor, and hears a very different take on events and Loki than he ever has before. Why DID Loki invade Midgard and steal the throne of Asgard anyway? Could it really be true there was more to it all than simple jealousy and a rotten nature as he has believed all this time? Does he even dare to ask? (The action mostly happens in the background, this is Bruce P.O.V. helping out the healers in the aftermath.) XXX Bruce doesn't know what to think about Thor's little brother. |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thor (Movies), Post-Ragnarok AU Персонажи: Bruce Banner & Thor, past Loki/Sygin (implied), Thor (Marvel), Minor characters:, Loki (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Fandral (Marvel), Ariette (OC) Рейтинг: General Размер: 112 Кб Статус: Закончен |
In which Loki is NOT invading Midgard, thank you very much1 09.08.2021
AU during The Avengers (2012). 'Loki' has been captured in Germany and Thor has been despatched to Earth to deal with him, but what if it wasn't really Loki? While arguing in front of the sceptre and unaware they're all being influenced by it, no one is prepared when Loki shows up in the lab and claims to NOT be leading an invasion, and that someone is framing him. With more unders...>>tanding of magic on their side than Thor can provide, what will come to light about the imposters actions and the truth of the invasion? What will happen when the real Loki gets involved, and has exactly no time for the pettiness of mortals when there is an impending invasion? How will the Battle of New York go with another player added to the mix? And should the public be told what has been going on? SHIELD don't think so, but SHIELD aren't calling the shots anymore. --- "Why would you come?" Thor demanded. "Why do you think, you imbecile? I want to know who is attacking Midgard, and, more importantly, why they are using MY face to do it." |
Автор: Ceitidh_Kat Фандомы: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies) Персонажи: Loki (Marvel), Thor (Marvel), Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Esben (OC), Erik Selvig, Nick Fury Рейтинг: PG-13 Размер: 91 Кб Статус: Закончен |