Another Love0 04.10.2015
Bella Swan moves to Bon Temps to try pull herself out of her depression after being abandoned by Edward. Living with her talented cousin Sookie Stackhouse, Bella discovers more about herself than she ever thought possible. Always feeling the outcast, Bella will finally find a place where she belongs. But will she be able to survive in the dangerous supernatural world? |
Автор: TheTruffalo Фандомы: Twilight, True Blood Персонажи: [Bella, Godric] Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Supernatural/Romance Размер: 808 Кб Статус: В процессе |
never again0 19.04.2015
what happens when eric northman buys a human as a pet but she isn't as human as eric thinks or willing to obey him...and what does steve want from her and how far will he go, can eric save her from the evil that is her darkside? |
Автор: bloody wicked lips Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: [Eric N., OC] Sookie S., Alcide H. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Hurt/Comfort/Romance Размер: 190 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Inner1 14.04.2015
Inner is an Eric-POV re-offering of Season 5 of True Blood with an Eric/Sookie endgame in mind. If you have read my other stuff, you know that I'm an unabashed Sookie/Eric fan, so I am going to warp Season 5 toward an E/S HEA, despite any idiocy that happened during the season. (I will be ignoring the happenings of Seasons 6 & 7.) |
Автор: California Kat Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: [Sookie S., Eric N.] Bill C. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Drama/Angst Размер: 826 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Who's Your Daddy?0 08.04.2015
Set at the end of True Blood, Season 4, what if it wasn't Tara whom Debbie Pelt killed? What if it was Sookie? (A vampire-Sookie story and a re-imagining of Season 5) |
Автор: California Kat Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: [Eric N., Sookie S.] Bill C. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Drama/Angst Размер: 197 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Until The Last Heartbeat0 25.12.2014
14 years ago she was just an unfortunate child in an unfortunate situation. Eric Northman never wanted to be a parent, especially not to some human girl. But now, she's all grown up, and with a problem her estranged family never could have imagined; she was dying. |
Автор: Xtyne Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Godric Рейтинг: R Жанры: Drama/Romance Размер: 1 288 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Pretty Kitty0 22.08.2014
OVER 2 MILLION VIEWS! Post Season 3. Eric senses Sookie's return and is driven mad by the need to see her. We all know what happens when a human and a vampire bond, but what happens when a fairy Chooses a vampire? 3RD PLACE- Fangreaders' Sookie Stackhouse Award 2012 and 3RD PLACE- Fangreaders' Adele Stackhouse Award 2012. 1ST PLACE Mr. January Award & 3RD PLACE AB Award. |
Автор: ficlit78 Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance/Supernatural Размер: 1 277 Кб Статус: Закончен |
A Different Life0 26.05.2014
What if when Sookie's parents died, she didn't go live with Gran? What if Fintan showed up to assign a guardian to Sookie? It's not who you think. This is the story of how Sookie Stackhouse is raised within the supernatural community, and takes her rightful place among the Supes. All your favorite characters will show up. Rated M for language/violence/sexual content. |
Автор: Mistressjessica1028 Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Godric, Sookie S., Eric N. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Drama/Romance Размер: 731 Кб Статус: Закончен |
I See You0 25.01.2014
After offending the Fellowship of the Sun, Sophie is tossed into a cage underneath their church, only to realise that she's not alone. AU, Godric/OC. Small bit of Eric/OC/Godric later on. Rated M for language and True Bloody goodness. |
Автор: Midnat Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Godric, OC Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance/Drama Размер: 781 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Circular Reasoning0 11.10.2013
In a world where Uncle Bartlett went too far, Sookie Stackhouse decides to embrace herself rather than bend to the townfolk's perception of normal. After saving a dense vampire, Sookie is drawn into a curious new world. Slowburn Sookie/Eric. |
Автор: Bambieyes1234 Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Adventure/Romance Размер: 487 Кб Статус: В процессе |
First Meeting0 24.02.2013
Happens before Times are Changing. The ancient vampire Isabella meets Eric, who is Godric's new child. How will her bond with Godric change now that Eric is in the picture? How will Eric deal with the deliciousness of Isabella? |
Автор: lisabit Фандомы: Twilight, True Blood Персонажи: Bella, Eric N. Рейтинг: PG-13 Жанры: Supernatural/Suspense Размер: 31 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Come Back to Me0 17.02.2013
This is a sequel to Back and Forth. Now that Sookie & Eric have found their way to each other at last, Bill might just be the least of their worries. How will they deal with the threats that will try to separate them forever? Will their bonds survive? |
Автор: California Kat Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Angst/Romance Размер: 3 931 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Instincts0 15.12.2012
Set near the end of season 3 episode 10, during Eric and Sookie's conversation in his office. My version of what SHOULD have happened. Sookie decides to trust Eric. Was it a mistake? AU Continues on into season 4, with slight changes to the story line. NOW COMPLETE. |
Автор: evenflo78 Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance/Drama Размер: 645 Кб Статус: Закончен |
As Good As Dead0 14.08.2012
AU - Eric discovers QSA is sending Bill Compton to procure a human from his area and gets to her first. |
Автор: Im2xshy Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance Размер: 711 Кб Статус: Закончен |
Bullshit Ban0 12.06.2012
Sookie returns from Fairy Land with a dash of reality, and handles her dangerous situation with more awareness. Watch the pretty ripples...AU Season Four. Eric/Sookie. Lemons. |
Автор: Bambieyes1234 Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance/Adventure Размер: 401 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Blood, Fang, Fairies, and Nonsense0 06.06.2012
Naruto finds himself busy contending with Vampires, Ghost, and other creatures as he finds himself hunting down a new, unindentified creature of the night while dealing with the problems of this world and its veil weakening his connection to chakra. |
Автор: Kyuubi16 Фандомы: Naruto, True Blood Персонажи: Naruto U., Jessica H. Рейтинг: R Размер: 7 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Selfless to the End0 21.03.2012
In Season One, Bill has to go to a tribunal for staking Longshadow to save Sookie. What if the Magister had required Sookie to attend the tribunal in Season One? |
Автор: My Universe Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Sookie S., Eric N. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Drama/Romance Размер: 739 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Back and Forth0 17.03.2012
When Sookie realizes that her feelings for both Bill and Eric might have been caused just by their blood, she takes drastic steps that will change her life―and the lives of Eric and Bill―forever. Rated M for language and eventual lemons. E/S |
Автор: California Kat Фандом: True Blood Персонажи: Eric N., Sookie S. Рейтинг: R Жанры: Romance/Drama Размер: 1 599 Кб Статус: Закончен |
The Truth of Blood0 28.09.2011
Harry with his never ending Hero-Complex, can't help but rescue a 2000 year old vampire about to commit suicide in the morning sun in downtown Dallas, Texas. The consequences however are far more reaching then he could ever imagine. SLASH Godric/Harry :D |
Автор: Rokkis Фандомы: Harry Potter, True Blood Персонажи: Harry P., Godric Рейтинг: R Жанры: Supernatural/Adventure Размер: 119 Кб Статус: В процессе |
Just some fun0 14.08.2011
Scene from 'Times are Changing', a little before that story. Bella goes to Fangtasia to dance. One-shot! |
Автор: lisabit Фандомы: Twilight, True Blood Персонажи: Bella, Eric N. Рейтинг: PG-13 Жанры: Humor/Drama Размер: 12 Кб Статус: Закончен |