![]() А я всегда говорил, что учеба на Hufflepuff до добра не доведет.
И похоже такого мнения придерживаюсь не только один я. Какие еще темные тайны скрывает факультет желто-черных барсуков? И чему именно учит декан факультета своих студентов. Под спойлером чужеродный язык. Спойлер (After Voldemort's failed attempt at his life, one-year old Harry Potter and his twin sisters get teleported to an alternate world where Dumbledore was sorted into Hufflepuff and peacefully resolved his differences with Grindelwald. Due to this drastic change, the two Dark Lords eventually reshaped the Wizarding world into a model Evangelical Christian society that gave massive social concessions to Pureblood goals of blood supremacy. As a result, Magical British women are recognized only as property of their fathers and husbands, Muggle-borns are kept as slaves, and racial minorities were ex-communicated. ) #английский_язык #женский_успех #письмо_в_гринготс 30 июля 2017