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23 апреля 2019
Aa Aa
#Марвел #Локи
Если кто-то вдруг увидит Endgame в день мировой премьеры и последующие, киньте мне в личку спойлеры про Локи. Буду очень благодарна. ^^
23 апреля 2019
51 комментариев из 76 (показать все)
Зоя Воробьева
спойлерят три минуты экранного времени, причем лишь видения Тора и Локи из прошлого. А еще Валькирия королева Асгарда. Не люблю Валькирию и меня это гррррр
Зоя Воробьева

Но я надеялась на красивые фотографии Тома и Криса((((((((((((
По поводу Тони:
Сорян, но Роберт уже староват.
Также и человек-муравей. Зачем было брать 50летнего чувака на эту роль?
>>А еще Валькирия королева Асгарда. Не люблю Валькирию и меня это гррррр
А я ведь даже такой фик читала летом у МСЮ-кроссов хд
Валькирия... Пфе
Я честно не понимаю истоки ее популярности. Сиф намного интереснее. Но ее куда-то задвинули. Гррррррррр
так, кароч, я отписываюсь от греха подальше
Зоя Воробьева
я б и такого его трахнула))) некоторые мужчины с возрастом только хорошеют))) Я не знаю, видела ли ты его в молодости в фильмах - это трешдец)) такой стремный)
Видела, да, не очень)
lliixa, у Сиф изначально, к сожалению, была роль для френд-зоны. Ну и она "смотрит в рот" Тору. Валькирия же действует по своему усмотрению. И так-то для современного мира для царствования это гуд, иначе набегут.
Michel_de049, а в оригинале как?
Michel_de049, Я не планирую бросать пить? Ну у нас лучше звучит хд
Спасибо за ссыль на дежурку. Хотя я в растрепанных чувствах и все равно жду от кого-нибудь из сходивших конкретики в личку.
В дежурке уже договорились до того, что Локи точно жив. Люблю нашу ветку фандома! Не придуман еще способ отнять у нас нашефсе
Хе-хе ♡
А что там за опала Тома, о которой говорят? Из-за чего он попал в немилость? А то я такой фанат, что не в теме.
Ещё бы авторы не впали в грусть, а наоборот начали полный комфортинг во все поля, и писали Торки и Айронфросты ^_^
Я тоже не сильно в теме. Аноны пока только вангуют, как так вышло. Мне кажется, что все просто и Тому милее театр.
Я нимагу без грусти, мне надо дополироваться тонной стихов и воскреснуть стебом. Блин, каждый раз с Локи одна и та же схема(((
lliixa, стёб, как Локи заставил похудеть Тора? *с надеждой*
Да-да :) Торки, Айронфросты. Я бы еще читала ЛокиСтрэнджи, ЛокиБрюсы (Халки). Я бы и писала, но всю мат.часть Марвелловскую не могу сказать, что хорошо знаю. А копать как-то нет желания.
Это святое дело
А Тор разжирел?
Что происходит?
Откуда взялся жирный алкаш уже?
ЖА вроде еще в трейлерах мелькал, не?
СПОЙЛЕРЫ на англиском

film starts with Clint training her daughter archery when the whole family disappears due to snap

Tony and Nebula stranded in space until Captain Marvel brings the ship down to Avengers HQ

Tony still pissed off with Cap. Takes out his chest reactor. Captain Marvel plans to kill Thanos. Rocket and Nebula knows where Thanos is

Avengers except Tony goes to space where Thanos is. Thanos is a farmer. He has burnt marks on his face and his gauntlet is out of order and fused to his arm. The Avengers grabbed hold of him and demands to know where the stones. Thor used Storm breaker to chop off his gauntlet arm.

Thanos says he used the stones to destroy the stones and he suffered the consequences.
Thor chopped off his head.

Then 5 years later

Tony and Pepper lives in a hut near a forest lake and have a 4/5 year old daughter.

Scott Lang escapes from the Quantum Realm thanks to his van parked in a storage garage. He finds the world in ruins. He went to a memorial site where tall gravestones list all ppl who vanished. He quickly went back home and reunites with Cassie Lang who is now bigger.

Scott visits Avengers HQ and tells him he's been stuck for 5 hrs and tells him there's a way to unfix everything that Thanos has done. They went to Tony but he refuses.

Then they meet Professor Hulk (who is Bruce with Hulk's physique and talks with Mark Ruffalo's voice). He doesn't know much about Quantum physics.

They tried doing some tests with Quantum Realm with Scott Lang with Hulk in controls. They screwed up a bit (Scott comes back as a kid, then a old man, then a baby, and back to normal).

Black Widow finds Clint/Ronin in Tokyo.

Tony comes back with a time bracelet GPS for team and gave back Cap's shield.

Hulk and Raccoon goes to Tonnsberg (Norway I think). It has been designated as New Asgard. They bump into Valkyrie. Then they meet Thor, Korg and Miek playing Fortnite. Thor is now a flabby out of shape drunk. Thor threatens a rival Fortnite with his version of 'swatting' when person calls Korg a dickhead.

The Avengers plan to go back to specific points to retrieve the Infinity Stones.

3 teams. 1 team to Battle of New York 2012.
2nd team to Morag
3rd team to Asgard 2013

Battle of New York. Hulk meets the Ancient One at Dr Stranger's future home. Ancient One refuses to give the Time Stone to Bruce but relents when Bruce tells her that Dr Strange will give the stone to Thanos.

Cap, Iron Man and Scott tries to retrieve the Tessaract after Loki surrenders. SHIELD/Hydra agents Crossbones and that bald guy with glasses in Winter Soldier retrieve the brief case containing the staff.
Past Hulk funnily has to walk down lots of flights of stairs as he can't go on lift due to maximum capacity.
Cap meets with Crossbones with the briefcase in elevator along with other Hydra agents. He convinces them to give him the briefcase containing the staff when he utters two words: Hail Hydra. Cap gets the briefcase.
Tony in disguise as a SWAT soldier tells Scott to disable his past self's chest reactor to give him a minor seizure while his past self meets up with Alexander Pierce who demands the Mind Stone and Loki.
Present Tony retrieves the briefcase but past Hulk accidentally knocks out Tony and Loki uses the confusion to teleport out with the Tessaract.
Present Cap accidentally meets with his 2012 self, and 2012 self thinks he's Loki in disguise. They fought and 2012 has present self in chokehold when he tells his past self that Bucky is alive. He then taps his past self with staff to knock him out.

In Asgard, fat Thor and Rocket plans to retrieve the Aether out of Jane Foster's body. Thor's mother meets his 'son' and know he's from the future. Rocket retrieves the aether out of Jane by prodding her off screen and gets chased by guards. Before Thor leaves, he retrieves Mjolnir!

On Morag, War Machine and Nebula stays on Morag while Clint and Nat goes to Voromir via a ship that Rocket miniatures for Clint.
Unknown to Nebula, her past self's nervous system and databanks are connected to each other and Thanos finds out where the stones are and how he meets his fate.

Cap and Tony transport back to 1970 at the SHIELD training site seen in Winter Soldier and goes underground to retrieve that era's Tessaract. Tony retrieves the Tesseract while meeting his dad. He calls himself Howard Potts.
Cap makes a prank call to young Hank Pym and sneaks into his office to steal 4 vials of Pym Particles. (Forgot to mention that the 3 teams has enough Pym particles to make one trip there and back). Cap also sees Margaret Carter. Cap and Tony teleport back to present.

WM and Nebula knocks out Quill during his dance in intro of GOTG. They got the stone and WM and Nebula was meant to teleport together but WM only succeeded. Present Nebula and past Nebula meets and fights and past Nebula takes her place to go back to present.

On Voromir, Clint and Nat meets the Red Skull as seen in Infinity War and is told how to retrieve the stone. Clint and Nat fought each other. Clint jumped off cliff but Nat catches him and held on by grappling rope. She falls off and dies like Gamora. Clint now has the Stone.

All members went back to present and everyone is devastated by Nat's death.
Tony and Bruce constructs the Infinity Gauntlet and Thor wants to wield it but Hulk goes instead as he's the strongest one and the stones emit gamma radiation according to him. He wields it and snaps his fingers restoring all life lost. Clint's wife calls him on mobile. Hulk suffers extreme pain in his right arm due to IG.
Past Nebula activates the Quantum teleporter and summons Thanos' warship and blasts the Avengers HQ to ruins with missiles.

Hulk lifting up rubble similar to Secret Wars cover where he lifts up a whole mountain except this is less in film lol.

Clint finds the gauntlet and is being chased by Outriders creatures in last film. He kills them and is met by past Nebula. Gamora and present Nebula meets up and Nebula kills her past self.

Cap, Tony and Thor teams up against Thanos. Thor is losing against Thanos even though he has Stormbreaker and Mjolnir. Thanos is about to kill Thor with SB when:

Cap lifts up Mjolnir and beats Thanos with hammer and shield.

Thanos uses his double blade weapon to break Cap's shield in half.

Thanos summons his whole army including the Black Order and some new creatures. Cap is all by himself against a whole army.

He hears Sam's voice and he turns around and see EVERYONE who has vanished PLUS huge armies of Wakandans, sorcerers and Asgardians (no signs of Warrior Three).
Wong, Valkyrie, Wasp and Pepper Potts as Rescue turns up as well.
Ant Man becomes Giant Man.

Clint plays American Football with IG and passes it to Black Panther then Spidey.
Quill meets past Gamora and gets hit in the balls, not believing he is the one she loves lol.
Scarlet Witch overpowers Thanos but Thanos orders missiles to hit everyone including his forces.
Captain Marvel shows up to destroy Thanos' flagship and gets the IG and dashes towards the goal.
There is a bit where Hope and Scott goes to the van with the Quantum teleporter in the middle of battlefield. Was lost in the moment so forgot why they doing that, sorry.

All female Marvel characters fight Thanos. Spidey's armoured suit goes autokill mode with the extra arms.

Thanos tries to take the gauntlet off Marvel by headbutting her but didn't phase her.

Thanos retrieves the gauntlet away from Stark and he snaps his fingers. Nothing happened.
The stones went to Stark and before he snaps his fingers, he says 'I'm Iron Man'.

White flash of light.

All of Thanos' forces turn to dust including Thanos himself.

Tony dies from using the gauntlet. Everyone mourns.

The battle is won but at a cost.

holographic Tony gives a message to everyone present including his daughter.

A wreath with Tony's chest reactor is laid to rest at the lake near Tony's hut.

Everyone is present including GOTG, Peter, Maria, Ross, Nick and Hank and Janet.

Thor, still fat designates Valkyrie as Queen of New Asgard in Tonnsberg. Thor is now travelling with GOTG to find Gamora and maybe more Asgardians. Quill and Thor is about to fight for leadership lol.

Scott, Cassie and Hope are together again. Wakanda is back with his King.

Cap goes on a mission to put back the stones and Mjolnir to their proper places. Hulk says to Sam and Buck that he should be back in 5 secs.
He didn't. Sam sees a old man at a bench and it's Old Man Steve (who looks like Clint Eastwood now but less wrinkles and bit younger than he is lol). Steve has wedding ring and passes his shield to Sam. Sam is honoured.

Ending shows young Cap dancing with Peggy at their house. That's it.

Credits music is set to 1930s music then shows all cast members. The main cast is shown with their signatures on it.

There is NO post credit scenes which is a first for a MCU. NOTHING, NADA!

Stan Lee cameo is set in 1970s where he is shown in his 70s younger self driving a car with a woman, driving past a army base where Cap and Tony retrieves the Tesseract there.

no sign of past Loki after he disappeared with Tessaract during Infinity Stone Time Heist, nor if present Loki is back or not.

No signs of Vision nor Black Widow.

Eric Selvig is one of the vanished, but does not appear in film according to actor.

Another important detail that makes no sense in the film in terms of continuity and the beginning of Endgame is that the sequence in mid credit scene of Captain Marvel film DOES NOT appear in Endgame

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Captain America finally shouting 'Avengers Assemble' (although he said assemble in a normal level tone voice) while the hero armies are gathered around him

Also Peter meets Tony during battle and rambles about how the last thing he remembers was he is in space, turns to dust, and next, he woke up and Tony is not there, and was told by Doctor Strange that it has been 5 years since and get ready to suit up.

does dr strange or thor have any cool scenes?
Dr Strange holding back a flood. Before, summoning all the ally armies via portals. Also a scene with and Stark where Tony ask if this battle is the 1 in 14 billion scenarios they win.

Could you please tell more about Bucky, or does he has literally no screen time? :)
Barely any screen time except a hug with Cap. You might see a brief fight scene but that's it.

and also going back in time: does this create some alternative realm or what? How does it work?
The time travel stuff is kind of confusing cos they reference lots of films such as BTTF, Terminator etc lol.
There was a scene where the Ancient One explains to Bruce that there are many dimensions and if the time stone is given to Bruce, it will create a split where the Dark Dimension will invade the main reality or something. I forgot what they said tbh
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Кто такой Скот?
Вот про него сольники не смотрела))
Зоя Воробьева ещё подвезли. часть повторяется

«I've lost this post in the drafts, so sorry for the delay. Here we go AGAIN.

So here's what I can tell you about this movie, which is all my source told me in the last minutes (screening ended more than an hour ago), from the top of my head. Start any questions in replies. I can't do any more longer posts until late this night because I have to work in my dayjob right now, but I can answer questions in between work.

First things first: Last night's leaks were right, sadly. Tony and Nat die for good (Tony when snapping Thanos' army, Nat is Gamora 2.0). Cap goes back in time in the end and comes back an old man.

Indeed all promotion material is nearly only the first 20 minutes.

First scene is Hawkeye losing his family to the snap. Last scene is Cap and Peggy dancing in their own little house in the past.

No post credit scene, only mid credits "Twilight"-style. The original six actors signed their autograph between their first and last names.

After Hawkeye scene, Marvel card. Then Tony recording his message, including flashbacks to the last 22 days with Nebula. She heals his stab wound there.

Captain Marvel then shows up. Post credit scene from Captain Marvel is not shown again, that happened before this rescue. CM brings the ship back to Earth. Everyone from the CM post credit scene plus Pepper waiting there. Tony is in a bad shape.

Tony and Cap fight, Tony blames Cap still for the Civil War events.

They fly to fight Thanos (CM post credit scene Avengers, not Tony). Thanos has destroyed the stones, that was the thing he did "2 days ago". They beat him and Thor cuts his head off. They know they lost.

5 years later time jump. In that time: Bruce learns how to become Dr. Hulk. Loves it, best of both worlds for him. Tony and Pepper marry and have a kid. She's fiveish when events pick up again. Thor establishes a fisher town for the remaining Asgardians including Valkyrie and becomes a drunk with a dad beer pod. Rhodey searches for Hawkeye who goes on a killing spree for every villain out there around the world. Steve has a support group. Nat holds the fort in the Avengers facility. They tell each other that they have to move on but can't.

Scott's van is dusting in some storage facility. He comes back when a rat runs over the control that Hope couldn't press anymore before she was dusted. For him only 5 hours passed. He reunites with Cassie and goes to the facility.

Scott figures they can fix things with time travel. No alternate dimensions come into play though they're mentioned. Tony doesn't want to help first because he doesn't want to lose what he built in the last 5 years. Then he agrees but only if the last 5 years remain untouched and they are, they are never reversed.

They go after the stones. They all have only one try because Scott has only so little Pym particles left.

Nebula flies with the Guardians ship, Rhodey, Nat and Clint. Nat and Clint drop them off to get the power stone and go for the soul stone with the ship. Nat does Gamora 2.0 after Clint and her fought over who gets to die (she rips herself away from his grasp and falls, dies and is never seen again). Nebula's neural interfaced is tapped by Thanos in the past in the form of her old self. He taps the interface and sees everything going on in the future including his death. He, old Gamora and old Nebula travel to the power stone planet and take Nebula prisoner. Old Nebula switches her golden face plate with new Nebula's to impersonate her and go back to 2019 with the power stone.

Scott, Cap, Hulk and Tony go to 2012 New York. Hulk retrieves the soul stone from the Ancient One. She gives it to him after he told her, Strange has given it away, and says, Strange is the best Sorcerer, and that she counts on Hulk. Tony and Steve try to retrieve the scepter and Tesseract from the Avengers tower right after the New York fight. Old-Loki snags the Tesseract, leaves with it and is never seen again. Steve gets the scepter but runs into his own old self and has to fight himself. He beats himself with the scepter. Cameos by Pearce and Rumlow. They enact the elevator scene basically, but no fight. Steve says "Hail Hydra" to convince Crossbones to give him the Tesseract. Then Scott takes the scepter back to 2019. Tony and Steve go back to 1970 because in the old SHIELD facility there there's not only another Tesseract (from that year timeline) but also some Pym particles there. Tony has a talk with his father and reconciles with him. They snatch the Tesseract from that year and the particles and go back to 2019.

Hulk puts on the gauntlet with all the stones. Thor wants to but they convince him Hulk is the better choice. Hulk loses his arm but does the snap. Nothing happens at first.

In the meantime old-Nebula has opened the time tunnel for Thanos' ship with his army and him from 2014. The others don't know because Tony sealed off the room for the snap. Thanos comes through the portal and old-Nebula destroys it. Thanos then destroys the Avengers facility with one blast.

New-Nebula convinces Gamora to free her and they fight - and kill - old-Nebula.

Rhodey and Rocket are nearly killed by underground floods but Scott saves them. Clint finds the gauntlet underground and carries it around (not putting it on), always on the run from Thanos' army.

Thor, Tony and Steve fight Thanos. Thor has his armor back on, his beard braided and looks much better. Cap wields the hammer.

Thanos nearly wins. Then the dusted come back through a lot of Strange's portals from wherever they were dusted. Steve says "Avengers assemble". Epic fight ensues. This is the big one, this is where my source cried because it's so epic. Tony and Peter take a moment for a reunion. Pepper is there as Rescue, no back story there. The goal here is to get the gauntlet to Scott's van which is somewhere on the battlefield so they can bring the stones back and undo Thanos' new attack. Includes an awesome scene where basically all female fighters on the field carry the gauntlet part of the way. But they all have a hand in carrying it there.

They fail tho, Thanos puts the gauntlet on. Tony stops him from using it after Strange showed him with one finger up-motion that this is the only way, and puts it on himself, snapping Thanos' army and himself. Thanos dies sitting sadly on the ground.

Tony dies after Peter, Pepper and Rhodey said good-bye. Later Pepper plays some BARF video showing Tony saying good-bye (he recorded it before they go for the stones). Then they say good-bye to him in a funeral by the lake. General Ross and Hank Pym cameos. No Betty in the whole movie.

Steve takes it on him to bring the stones back to where they took it from. Bucky knows he's not coming back, they say good-bye for "long" while Sam and Bruce think he'll be back in seconds. But he doesn't but shows up an old man instead a moment later, sitting on a bench. He had his life with Peggy. He gives the shield to Sam. Bucky approves.

Last scene with Cap and Peggy dancing. The end.»
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Это с локиправды?
Зоя Воробьева, да. Ты туда уже ходишь?
да, посиживаю через раз.
Откуда натащили спойлеров?
Зоя Воробьева, там ссылки не дали
поорала и заплакала с Таноса- фермера

Хочу такой фанфик!
у него тяпка в руку встроена)))
Зоя Воробьева
только тяпка сверху =)
Скоро во всех садовых товариществах)))
На Локиправде внесли полное описание на русском
я ржу с локиправды. там щас внезапно обсуждает Кукумбера и его жену. но я ору с фразы жена Огурца)))
Зоя Воробьева, я не стала спрашивать почему Огурец, но хотелось)) И почему беношоп и что это? )) Неудобно( Надо, наверное. отписываться. Все нужные спойлеры я видела, вряд ли будет что-то новое. Остаётся подождать сериал ну и идти читать фики)))
Кукумбер, поэтому огурец.
Зоя Воробьева, о, спасибо ^^ А то тема-то Локи)
Хотя теории аноны интересные высказывают) Надеюсь, фиков будет много))
Вообще складывается ощущение Дежа Вю. Ну вот как с ПД. Вышли спойлеры, кто прочитал WTF? Што происходит ваще?! Кто посмотрел спектакль был в восторге. И тут также: прочитали спойлеры, сидят думают. Те кто посмотрел фильм в восторге и хвалебные отзывы.
В целом, кстати, мне спойлеры зашли и я б сходил.
Зоя Воробьева, люди из-за временной петли в непонятках))
Ну смотрели же не фанаты отдельных персонажей. Фильм может и хороший, но если там нет Локи, зачем он мне? Я комиксы вообще не люблю. А за три часа попа заболит сидеть. Долго слишком.
lliixa, ну я точно не пойду, будет более-менее хорошего качества на трекерах - качну и посмотрю те моменты, которые мне надо. Выйдет лицуха, опять же скачаю рип и закину в облака, ну чтоб было хд
люди из-за временной петли в непонятках

я тоже кое с чего охуеваю, поэтому надо посмотреть все, что относится к марвел, включая дебильного человека-муравья
про негра-пантеру не буду
Ну вот у меня примерно та же история. Я не фанат американских комиксов. И три часа смотреть без Локи, учитывая мой теперешний реал -- нелепо просто.
