![]() #worm рекомендую лол
https://www.reddit.com/r/WormCrackFic/comments/btzy3y/colins_mind/ I drove down the empty road, winding through the maze of decrepit buildings. My arms were shaking and my breath constantly hitched. I felt so spooked, I should've just called in sick and gone home… There had been reports of fighting in the area. Lung had been reportedly brawling with some other villain in the Docks. Lung! I shivered just thinking about it. I, of all people, was dispatched to go deal with the situation. Me! Why me?! Did I do something wrong? What could I have possibly done to get myself in this situation?! I turned a corner and came across a- HOLY SHIT IS THAT LUNG?! Oh god he looks like shit. Oh god genitals aren't supposed to look like that are they? As I looked over him, Lung stirred. I squealed a little internally. I unceremoniously grabbed a bundle of the tranquilizers I specifically designed for Lung and stabbed them into his arm. Geez, I hoped this worked… It'd be really awkward if it didn't. Also I'd die. It seemed to work. Lung's breathing slowed to a crawl and his twitching ceased. Thank the lord… I welded a huge cage on top of him. Just in case. Now that Lung was dealt with, I looked around for the villain that Lung was purportedly fighting. Who could it be? Hookwolf? Kaiser? Purity? God I was getting so anxious about this. Finally I spotted a figure sitting on top of the roof. Wreathed in bugs, yellow eyes, dark scales. Holy shit… They gave me the creeps. Definitely a villain. Had to be, I mean look at them! I steeled myself for a confrontation, not quite managing it. I had to make my entrance confident. I drove up with my motorcycle. God that sounded so lame once I said it in my head. A motorcycle? What were you thinking Colin?! Why didn't you go with a jetpack or something? Oh god the villain was gonna think I looked so lame… Shit. Shit! They're looking straight at me! What do I do what do I do?! Uh… Say something! "You gonna fight me?" Not that! Anything but that! Oh shit, oh fuck those bugs looked really scary. Did she keep them in her hair? And the way the bugs swarmed around her… she looked kind of badass. Man I wished I looked as cool as her... "I'm a good guy." The bug-girl looked me straight in the eye. Fuck she looked scary. Also, what the hell? She was a good guy?! That can't- I- but she looked so scary! "You don't look like one," I responded. Bug-girl's head lowered a bit and I could see her posture slump minutely. Aw man, oh geez, fuck, now I'd gone and hurt her feelings! Stupid Colin! Stupid motorcycle! Stupid god damn social skills! "That's... not intentional," she sounded condescending, she was mocking me, I just knew it. “I was more than halfway done putting the costume together when I realized it was already looking more edgy than I’d intended, and I couldn’t do anything about it by then.” What? She made the costume herself? And it looked so well-made and cool too! Shit, my armor felt so crummy in comparison. I mean all I really did was design some armor to make me not die and then painted it blue and silver. I was regretting it now… I probably looked like shit. I always looked like shit. She probably also thought I looked like shit. I could tell. She was definitely thinking about that goddamn stupid underwear branding deal I had agreed to years ago. Just underwear! Nothing else! I spoke up again. "You're telling the truth." ...Of course she was telling the truth, why would she lie to me?! God damn it, that's just craptastic! Now she's gonna think I have some kind of lie detector that can tell whether someone's lying or not, and then I'll have to actually invent it or it's gonna be so awkward the next time we meet and it turns out I can't actually detect the truth! 28 июля 2022
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