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13 июля 2023
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#матчасть #история

Ну и вдогонку, ещё один Уильям Певерелл, синхронный с ноттингемским:
The few candidates from within the Anglo-Norman domains who might qualify as stipendiaries remain relatively unknown and questionable. The Gesta Stephcmi relates how in 1144 one William of Dover came to Cricklade on behalf of Robert of Gloucester, built a castle there, and then with a “large following of mercenary knights” and archers proceeded to harass quite effectively the king's garrisons at Oxford and Malmesbury. R.H.C. Davis has identified this William as the William Peverel who was Robert of Gloucester's castellan at Dover in 1135. Beeler has suggested that Peverel is an early example of an English “mercenary captain.” For Beeler, Peverel is apparently guilty by association, but the Gestds account does not indicate that Peverel's use of stipendiaries in any way degraded his own status, merely that his attacks around Cricklade were especially ferocious. Yet Beeler describes Peverel as “infamous” even at the moment the latter departed for the Second Crusade.

И ссылка, в которой самое для меня интересное — указание на нормандский домен Певереллов и Hugh Peverel de Saunford, призванный в парламент в 1260 году. Певереллы из Сэнфорда связаны с вышеупомянутым Уильямом Певереллом из Дувра:

13 июля 2023
