Gaunt (Highfield and Leek. co. Stafford), represented by John Gaunt, esq. banker, of Leek, and Matthew Gaut, of Highfield, esq. barrister-at-law, a magistrate for the country of Stafford, great-grandsons, by his wife, Sarah Darby, of John Gaunt of Rowley, co. Stafford, born 1670, who was grandson of Roger Gaunt of Rowley, esq. by his second wife, Ann Colebourne, or Calbrond, of Rowley (a family of great antiquity), and of Calbrond in Tiplow, and which Roger was the son of William Gaunt, gent. of the same place, descended of a family who, by long tradition, claimed descend from the ancient Earls of Lincoln; the last and third earl, Gilbert de Gand or Gaunt, having lost his title and estates temp. John, Stephen, his brother, or his uncle Jeoffry, is the presumed ancestor of this family).