24 января 2022
Увы, моя работа - это перевод советов писателям от разных авторов. И я не вижу ни у Таис Золотковской, ни у Джулии Камерон, ни у Энн Ламот, ни у Майкла Ньютона, ни у Стивена Кинга, ни у Адама Невилла, да продлит Итаква его дни, ничего о "заместительных синонимах". Потому что их нет! И в прекраснейшей антологии "On writing horror" ни словечка. Потому что вот Невилл: As if by a dream Catherine came to the Red House. She abandoned her car once the lane’s dusty surface was choked by the hedgerows, and moved on foot through a tunnel of hawthorn and hazel trees to glimpse the steep pitch of the roof, the ruddy brick chimneys and the finials upon its sharp spine. Unseasonably warm air for autumn drifted from the surrounding meadows to settle like fragrant gas upon the baked ground beneath her feet. Drowsy and barely aware of the hum emitted from the yellow wildflowers and waist-high summer grasses so hectic in the fields, she felt nostalgic for a time she wasn’t even sure was part of her own experience, and imagined she was passing into another age. When she came across the garden’s brick walls of English bond, seized by ivy right along their length to the black gate, a surge of romantic feelings so surprised her, she felt dizzy. Until the house fully revealed itself and demanded all of her attention. Она и Кэтрин. Постоянно. Всю книгу |