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Lados Онлайн
5 июля 2022
Итак, вторая глава. Деймон хочет ПроеБолла:
Ser Robb took a moment to look over the scenery, awash with still yet unburied corpse of the men that died in the battle. This gesture made it clear to Ser Quentyn why Ser Robb was so haunted.
Trying to avoid such morbid details, Quentyn continued to question Ser Robb "Why have you come to me, good Ser? I cannot imagine it was simply to have a conversation."

Robb was blunt and to the point "King Daemon wants you."

Эйгор требует прямо сейчас идти на столицу, Квентин против, потому что кто не убит, тот ранен. Деймон решает - ну сейчас немного подлечимся аптечками - и на столицу через пару дней.
Квентина это заставляет задуматься.
The meeting opened his eyes to one crucial fact. No matter how great Daemon may be, he is only one man. Though he may be installed to the Kingsguard, it would not fix all the wrongs, and as men would use the sudden change in power for their own benefit, many more wrongs would be made from weak men's greed.
Интеллектуал он у нас, Квентин!

Попытка пообщаться с Красным Бивнем Крейкхоллом не выгорела
"So...how is Aemon Blackfyre?"
Evidently, this had only made the conversation more awkward. After several seconds, Ser Redtusk forced out a "He's fine." At Ser Quentyn.
"I know he's had a shock with his brothers death, you can-"
"I said," Redtusk rebuked "HE. IS. FINE. END. OF. DISCUSSION."
Люблю капслочанку!

Деймон страдает, размышляя, как там мамочка на небесах, улыбается или плачет, глядя на Краснотравное. Квентин его утешает - мол, пофиг мамка, тут у тебя есть мы, мы тебя точняк на трон засадим. Деймон толкает речугу про решающий день, они ползут на столицу, Квентин страдает:
It was the one who were indifferent that unsettled him the most, the ones that looked soulless behind their eyes, something that was most prevalent amongst the children. The children, commonfolk and lord alike, once filled with youthful exuberance and dreams of heroism crushed by their harsh reality. It was a sorrowful sight.
'So, this is how we have treated the next generation.'

И входят они в столицу без сопротивления, потому что Дейрон, в порыве раннего маразма, собрал манатки, семью и армию... и рванул в Солнечное Копьё.
До встречи в третьей главе, если вам интересно продолжение маразма.
