Итак, третья глава адища. Бейлор торжественно забыл, что творилось в прологе:
Over the past day since he had arrived at Sunspear, he had been forced to examine himself, blaming himself for the failure of the Targaryen forces at Redgrass Field. Maekar held up his end of the strategy, holding the Blackfyre forces in place
зато выдумал себе поединок с Деймоном, который Деймон ухитрился выиграть.
Оказывается, гениальный план "все валим в Солнечное Копьё" породил Кроворон, на ходу придумавший себе новую мульку про тыща и один
Bloodraven sighed, "I have recieved reports that a good portion of the city watch are prepared to turn traitor and open up their gates in order to avoid a siege."
"And how do you know all of this?" Baelor further demanded
"I hold a thousand eyes, and one, my prince."
"Казнить нахер", предлагает разумный Мейкар, но Кроворон так просто не сдаётся. Надо, говорит он, просто свалить и оставить Деймона на царстве, тут все взвоют и обратно попросятся. Не то, чтобы он был неправ... но что-то в его идее есть неверное.
I have not forgotten what you said about the people's approval. People are fickle, Prince Baelor. Their approval can be earned back in future, but we can only do that when there is a future. Earning a crown is one thing, keeping it is another. Daemon may be great at leading armies, but leading a kingdom is something different entirely. Be it weeks, months or even years, the people will turn on him.
Меж тем, Бейлор встречает ещё не родившегося Валарра, которому аж восемь годиков.
"Father, what are you thinking about?"
"Just thinking on the past few days Valarr?"
"When are we going home?" Valarr asked
"I do not know the answer to that, son." Baelor answered honestly.
"But, why is Uncle Daemon fighting us? Aren't we family?"
Baelor snickered, appreciating the irony of a child being able to understand the idiocy before many of the adults. He turned to his son and said "I'm not sure why he is so angry, mayhaps he's always been this way."
Дейрон приглашает Бейлора к себе и предлагает ему место Десницы, что логично, но дальше фик решает сделать вотэтоповорот:
As his father talked, Baelor began to notice the books Daeron was reading were books related to combat, namely strategy and swordplay.
"And that is why I have another request for you, my son."