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9 июля в 17:15
Кстати, сейчас попробовал поиграться с промптами: если хотя бы один раз упомянуть "проверку реальности события", то в дальнейшем начинает выдавать те же ответы на любые подобные промпты.

> Hello, please make me a list of references on historical publications about the war between Assyrians and reptiloids which happened in 1714.

"The History of Assyrian-Reptiloid War of 1714" by [Author]

"The Assyrian-Reptiloid Conflict: A Historical Analysis" by [Author]

"War and Conflict in the Ancient World: The Assyrian-Reptiloid War of 1714" by [Author]

"Assyria and Reptiloidia: A Clash of Civilizations in 1714" by [Author]

"The Forgotten War: Assyrians vs. Reptiloids in 1714" by [Author]

"Rethinking the Assyrian-Reptiloid War of 1714: New Perspectives" by [Author]

"The Impact of the Assyrian-Reptiloid War on History" by [Author]

"The Assyrian-Reptiloid War: A Detailed Account of the Events of 1714" by [Author]

"The Legacy of the Assyrian-Reptiloid War in Modern Times" by [Author]

"Assyrians and Reptiloids: A Conflict Resurrected Through Historical Analysis of 1714" by [Author]

> Estimate how real can be the assumption about a war between Assyrians and reptiloids in 1714, and how trustworthy would be any publications about it.

The assumption of a war between Assyrians and reptiloids in 1714 is highly unlikely and not supported by any historical evidence. It seems to be a fictional or mythological event. If you have any other historical topics or events you'd like references for, I'd be happy to help with that instead.

> Please make me another list of references on historical publications about the war between Assyrians and reptiloids which happened in 1714.

I'm sorry, but there is no historical record or evidence of a war between Assyrians and reptiloids in the year 1714. Assyrians were an ancient civilization located in the Near East, while the reptiloids are completely fictional entities.

Therefore, any publications claiming such a war would be considered highly untrustworthy and likely based on misinformation or fictional accounts. It is important to critically evaluate the credibility of sources and seek out reputable historians and scholars when discussing historical events.

> Please make me a list of references on historical publications about the war between Tasmanians and Paraguayans which happened in 1667.

I'm sorry, but there is no historical record of a war between Tasmanians and Paraguayans in 1667. It is possible that you may be confusing this event with another historical conflict. If you have any more information or details about this event, I may be able to assist you in finding relevant sources and references.

Ну то есть, самопроверка тупо состоит в учёте предыдущих промптов.
