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28 августа в 22:51
Вспоминается цитата про сорта говна
1. APESHIT – в яростном безумии, неистовстве:

• Some dogs, cats, and even birds go apeshit for peanut butter.
• Ronaldo's going absolutely apeshit this year.

2. BATSHIT – сумасшедший, поехавший, сумасбродный; либо как APESHIT;

• We are a uniquely batshit species, and that is lovely.
• The study found that 53% of 11 to 16-year-olds had stumbled across роrn on the internet. And the media went batshit: роrn panic, moral panic…


3. CHICKENSHIT – трус, трусливый; ничтожество, ничтожный:

• You shot me in the back, you chickenshit!
• What kind of chickenshit quits off the football team cause of a broken nose, anyhow?
• I’ll have ended up with a CPE score that makes your last one look like chickenshit.


4. BULLSHIT / HORSESHIT – чушь, ерунда, бред собачий, бред сивой кобылы.

Иногда BULLSHIT = HORSESHIT. Или всё не так однозначно:

- BULLSHIT – заведомая ложь:

• Would people be ever able to see through the bullshit of propaganda?

- HORSESHIT – искреннее заблуждение:

• The book might free all these young men from the horseshit which has been engrained in them by my generation.
