30 апреля 2015
Матемаг Lost-in-TARDIS
Нет никаких прямых доказательств, что Гриня пытался захватить власть, разбойничал, или нарушал Статут Секретности. Единственное прямое обвинение - что Гриня собирал армию и становился опасным. "...while I busied myself with the training of young wizards, Grindelwald was raising an army. They say he feared me, and perhaps he did, but less, I think, than I feared him... It was the truth I feared. You see, I never knew which of us, in that last, horrific fight, had actually cast the curse that killed my sister... I think he knew it, I think he knew what frightened me. I delayed meeting him until finally, it would have been too shameful to resist any longer. People were dying and he seemed unstoppable, and I had to do what I could." DH35 4 |