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Переводчик, Редактор


4 произведения» 
Ответный удар
Джен, Макси, Заморожен
6k 0 54 1
Гет, Миди, Заморожен
11k 18 420 1
Оплачено кровью
Гет, Макси, Заморожен
157k 321 3.2k 8
Ледяная Принцесса
Гет, Миди, Закончен
160k 408 2.7k 12


2 произведения» 
Её голос
Гет, Мини, Закончен
2.2k 0 13
Последний же враг истребится — смерть
Гет, Миди, Заморожен
4.7k 0 56


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14 апреля 2021

Блог » Поиск

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#долой_клише #колдовство_летом

"Sir is there any way to I can practice magic over the summer?"

Dumbledore offered him a smile. "Yes, there is."

"I knew it!" He shouted with joy; "let me guess, you get Mr. Ollivander to remove the trace on my wand?"

"No, Harry…"

"Oh! I know! I go to Diagon Alley, or some really crowded place and the ministry will never be able to track my magical activity because of all the magic?"

"It doesn't work like that, Harry…"

He thought for a second. "Oh, I know. I go to some heavily warded home that blocks out ministry sensors?"

Dumbledore sighed, children came up with the strangest theories. "No, Harry. None of those things would work. I'll simply fill out the standard, ministry forms and gather your signature, I suggest you talk to Professor Flitwick, I'm sure you could come to some sort of arrangement with him as to a tutoring schedule. Now, if that's it, have a wonderful summer, Harry."
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