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Великолепные Томарри

Потрясающие сюжет, идея, проза. Невозможно оторваться.
Подписчиков: 1 | Владелец: Harondino | Cоздана: 5 апреля 2021
2 комментария
17 мая 2023
Alive really isn't your color

Once on the floor of a forest that's out of bounds, surrounded by people who will laugh instead of cry.

It's not how these things are supposed to go.

A list of every time Harry Potter, Master of Death, dies and his interactions with the man waiting for him on the other side. For someone famous for staying alive, he sure dies a gosh darn lot.
28 февраля в 20:35
Darlings and Dragons


They were tricked. Harry and Voldemort fell through the mysterious locked door in the Department of Mysteries and end up in an alternate realm.

For a while, they do what they have always done. Fight to the death until one of them has to escape.

But now?

Now there be monsters.

They must survive the realm (and each other) so they can find a way home.


“Well, maybe the universe is telling you something,” Voldemort grinned.

“Yeah? What’s that?” Harry turned to look at him.

“Maybe you are only ever going to be happy as long as you keep your focus on me and not these other whores you try to give your attention to. You never had these complaints when we were destroying the wizarding world to get at each other.”

Harry made a noise that almost sounded like a laugh. “Oh, shut up. That was a long time ago. I’ve moved on from you. You aren’t my obsession anymore.”

“And what am I competing with now? Ale and adventure?” Voldemort closed his eyes again.

“Ale and adventure,” Harry agreed. “Stick around and maybe you can be third on the list.”
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