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В собранных здесь фанфиках эта пара не всегда играет главную роль, в некоторых незаконченных они даже не являются парой, хотя к этому сюжет может привести. К сожалению, в русских фанфиках не очень любят эту пару, а в большинстве работ Джинни высмеивается и показывается какой-то безумной маниакальной ведьмой, что меня очень удивляет, т.к. я в ней ничего этого не вижу, поэтому есть много хороших работ с fanfiction.net и archiveofourown.org, в которых и Гарри, и Джинни имеют и свои плюсы, и свои минусы.
В коллекции собраны фанфики по фандому Гарри Поттер
Подписчиков: 6 | Владелец: Lemi | Cоздана: 27 июня 2021
5 комментариев
28 февраля 2022
Away From The Sun by hgfan1111
Summary: What do you do when your life is torn from you? You fight back, that’s what you do. Ginny Weasley was always strong. But is she strong enough to survive when the world spins out of control around her? Begins post-DH, veers AU from there. H/G ship mainly
Скачано: https://www.perusingtheshelves.com/fanfiction/harry-potter-fanfiction/60/

Brighter Than Sunshine by hgfan1111
Summary: The smoke clears from the Final Battle and the world is not the same. But even in the darkness, a light can still shine, leading lost souls home. AU Begun Post-HBP, disregards parts of DH. Canon pairings.
Скачано: https://www.perusingtheshelves.com/fanfiction/harry-potter-fanfiction/60/

Easier To Be by hgfan1111
Summary: Two strangers. One, a reluctant and lonely hero trying to find a purpose in life. The other, a young woman who wants to find herself and come to terms with her haunted past. What will happen when these two get to know each other? Will they help each other
Скачано: https://www.perusingtheshelves.com/fanfiction/harry-potter-fanfiction/60/

Learning To Fly by hgfan1111
Summary: Harry is nearly broken by casual, well-meant cruelty. It isn't until he falls ill that he begins to find his way back home. AU Fic
Скачано: https://www.perusingtheshelves.com/fanfiction/harry-potter-fanfiction/60/

Seeking The Silver by hgfan1111
Summary: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley are happy with their lives. They’re both successful and content with where they are going. Fate, however, has very different ideas. ‘How could someone you’d thought you’d never have these kinds of feelings for work their w
Скачано: https://www.perusingtheshelves.com/fanfiction/harry-potter-fanfiction/60/
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28 февраля 2022
Home by Celtics534
Summary: She refused to let it be goodbye forever. He had to come home… come back to her.
Words: 1340

Meeting The Family by jojo99
Summary: Harry and Ginny find they need to explain their relationship and marriage earlier than planned.
Words: 3707

The Price of a Secret by St Margarets
Summary: Feelings from the past come rushing back for Ginny when Lily is preparing to go to Hogwarts for the first time.
Words: 5894

The Room of Lost Things by Deadptarmigan
Summary: Alternate Universe. Harry and Ginny. Please enjoy this screwed up little story. Photography credit goes to Daniil Kontorovich on Behance. Editing credit to Andrea Gonzales.
Words: 6507

undercover by lazyweekendmornings
Summary: A secret handshake, a series of imposter attacks, and a potential security threat. This can all only mean one thing: Harry, Ginny, and baby James need to go undercover.
Words: 8037

It Takes Two (a duet) by Northumbrian
Summary: A typical day in the lives of Mr and Mrs H J Potter suddenly becomes far from typical when Harry makes a chance discovery.
Words: 11465

Quirks by YelloWitchGrl
Summary: When Ginny married Harry she hadn't thought that her life would turn out the way it had. She's pregnant and her husband is barely speaking to her... AU in that I took liberties with Harry, but cannon in that it follows all the cannon "rules" just not the same plot. Many people start to read and then quit before getting to the end. Stick it out, you won't be sorry.
Words: 11622

Harry Potter and the Days After by rls368
Summary: The Battle is over, now it is time to recover, remember those who have fallen, and try to build a peaceful future for the next generations. H/G, R/H, N/H.
Words: 12592

Letters From The Kids by melodylaner
Summary: When Harry and Ginny's children go to Hogwarts they send the most interesting letters home!
Words: 13259

Insanity by UnrealityCheck
Summary: Harry has won the war against Voldemort. Now he must win the war to restore Ginny's sanity.
Words: 21470

Disembodied by V for Vendetta
Summary: During a trip to Muggle London Ginny Weasley stumbles upon a boy without a body. In a time of war and uncertainty her decision to help him will change the fate of the Wizarding world.
Words: 22840

The Forgotten Wizard by CharmHazel
Summary: On the cusp of the third wizarding war, the truth behind the events of Halloween 1981 and subsequent events finally come to light, when it is revealed that Harry Potter, forgotten and ignored by many, is the Boy Who Lived.
Words: 23305

all your fumble words by lazyweekendmornings
Summary: The war is over, and grief hangs heavy over victory. Slowly, Ginny and Harry must learn to pick themselves up and live again.
Words: 23475

Maybe by November by StrawberryRice
Summary: Five long years of fighting have finally ended with the death of Voldemort. Harry, Hermione and Ron are finally free from their responsibilities to return home to the Burrow. Harry is excited at the prospect of seeing Ginny again but upon his return, he finds that things have changed dramatically.
Words: 24011

An Open Secret by CharmHazel
Summary: Harry and Ginny quickly reunite following the end of the war. However, due to the pain and grief of their losses, their own family fails to recognise the love shared and growing between the young couple.
Words: 24167

Path Diverged by hp_fangal
Summary: Hermione doesn't stop Umbridge from casting the Cruciatus Curse on Harry. What changes will come about from this one action? To what lengths will Voldemort go to get what he wants? An alternate take starting in OotP ch 32, "Out of the Fire" that will change Harry's future forever.
Words: 24353

The Twelve Days of Christmas by deemarie
Summary: Ginny Weasley comes home after 4 years missing. But is she the same? Can Harry and Ginny rekindle old ties? And what does Remus have to do with all this?
Words: 29506

Power the Dark Lord Knows Not by seekers_destiny
Summary: This is yet another take on what Harry’s power might have been. It begins in the Department of Mysteries....
Words: 29673
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1 марта 2022
A Cinderella Story - In the Universe of Harry Potter by Ginny_Potter_89
Summary: What if, in the 1300s, Hogwarts was a kingdom? Follow the story of the young Prince of Hogwarts, a fair maiden, and one, not-so-orthodox fairy godmother.
Words: 31030

Jealousy Games by cutie17
Summary: Excerpt: Hermione took a deep breath, and the next two words that came out of her mouth seemed to strike Ginny's heart like a dagger. "Harry's back." Post Hogwarts/War.
Words: 33469

Kris Kringles by Jade_amethyst
Summary: 'Please be Ginny, please be Ginny, i don't want anyone but her, please be Ginny. Harry took the golden paper in his hands and squeezed his eyes closed. Harry opened the paper and and then his eyes. There in elegant gold writting was the name.........
Words: 33673

It Sneaks Up On You by Peskipiksi
Summary:Harry and Ginny just want to go to the Ball together and have a little fun, but a certain jealous duo are determined to ruin the evening.
Words: 35236

Cicatrix by Syn
Summary:The Wizarding world thinks Harry Potter is dead and now the search is on for his Secret-Keeper, Ginny Weasley.
Words: 35658

Just You by RSS
Summary:Can Ginny convince the Chosen One that he's the one she chose for life? This story is now complete.
Words: 37418

Captive by Miss Snuffles
Summary:Captured by Voldemort, Ginny must battle with her inner darkness to prevent the Dark Lord from becoming immortal.
Words: 41405

All For All by hermitknut
Summary:In the fight against He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named, Harry will either gain everything – or lose everything. This is life – to gain all, one must first risk all.
Words: 44867

A Second Chance by Wolveine
Summary:The war is finally won, but there were far too many casualties. A depressed Harry gets a second chance to save the wizarding world from an unexpected source. What will he do differently this time, and will there be unexpected consequences from his tampering of time?
Original timeline follows JK Rowling, but Voldemort was not defeated at the Battle of Hogwarts.
Words: 46843

The Prophecy Unknown by Dragyn
Summary:At the end of Harry's second year, the battle in the Chamber of Secrets didn't end when Harry pierced the diary, it began. And when it was over, none of the minds and souls of those involved were left undamaged.
Words: 47642

Memories & the Stone by Ruth Ann
Summary: First in the Memories Series. Harry Potter has never been normal. Ever since he can remember he has had dreams. Most of the time he can not remember them. Sometime when he's ten he starts to.
Words: 48650

Fix You by GeorgieGryffindor
Summary: After a brief reconciliation, he leaves her broken and heads to war. Returning four years later, he realises what he wants and what he needs might just match up. As his own worst enemy in it all, he seeks to fix what he left broken. Postwar Harry Ginny
Words: 49730
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11 марта 2022
The Next Generation by werekitten
Summary: “I won’t! I won’t be a Slytherin!” So says the youngest son of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley just before he leaves for his first year at Hogwarts. Albus Severus Potter’s worst nightmare is to be sorted into Slytherin, house of the Dark wizards. Despite reassurances from his father, he still worries that it might come true… and it does. How does little Al cope with being a Slytherin? And can his family accept it? *This is actually a H/G story, although it doesn't sound like it from this summary*
Words: 50743
15 апреля 2022
We're Not Dating
Summary: Things weren't supposed to be this difficult, were they?
Words: 6947

