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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Хайнлайн: Среди планет

Всего персонажей - 50


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Member of the Venus Republic force that occupied Circum-Terra; he processed the captive passengers for return to Earth or passage on to Venus.


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One of the security police waiting in Dudley Jefferson's apartment when he and Don Harvey returned from dinner.


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One of the security police who strip-searched Don Harvey at Gary Station.


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Husband of a woman who became hysterical at the sight of Sir Isaac Newton at Gary Station.


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One of the security police who strip-searched Don Harvey before letting him board the shuttle at Gary Station.

Stanley Bankfield

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Political officer first class in the IBI, assigned to Venus as a special adviser to the military governor. He interrogated Don Harvey after the Federation occupation.

Steve Brodie

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The most widely heard global news commentator, host of "Steve Brodie Says". The Venus Republic High Guard chose his program time to announce their invasion and destruction of Circum-Terra, and to declare independence for Venus.

Cyrus Buchanan

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a. A founder of the human colonies on Venus. b. Shuttle that took passengers from the Nautilus to Venus' surface (probably named after the colony founder).

Lieutenant Busby

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Commanding officer of the Venus Republic soldier who found Don Harvey after Don's escape from Federation detention. He had been on detached duty at the time of the occupation, and so avoided arrest. He organized all soldiers he came across into a guerrilla fighting unit, and was awarded brevet promotion to wing colonel.


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Crew member in the radio room of the Nautilus.

Charlie (Old Charlie)

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Owner of the Two Worlds Dining Room, Don Harvey's employer; he was often called Old Charlie. He was killed by invading Federation forces.

Franklin Chiang

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Physicist and Organization member. He was a crew member of the Little David.


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Venus colonial herded into a detention camp with Don Harvey aftere invasion by Federation forces.

Roger Conrad

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Scientist in the Organization, with whom Don Harvey roomed at Sir Isaac Newton's house. He helped to develop the Horst-Milne-Conrad drive, as well as related applications such as force fields. He was a member of the Little David's crew.

Isobel Costello

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James Costello

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Isobel Costello's father and manager of I.T.&T. on Venus. He was a member of the Organization.


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One of the Federation soldiers hunting Don Harvey after Don's escape from the detention camp.


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Dragon who worked at the Two Worlds Dining Room, a male despite the chosen name. The name is also unusual in that dragons usually chose names of scientists for their "human" names.

Professor Charles Darwin

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Venerian dragon, a historian who taught Don Harvey "true speech" when the dragon and Don's father worked together.

Doctor Einstein

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Relative of Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist like most Venerian dragons. (He probably chose his name in honor of Albert Einstein.)


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One of the security police waiting in Dudley Jefferson's apartment when he and Don Harvey returned from dinner.

Art Frankel

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Co-pilot in the Little David.

Galileo Galilei

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Grandson of Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist like most Venerian dragons.


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Old man at Mother Johnston's speakeasy who challenged David MacKinnon's presence there.

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"


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[mentioned in passing] Name listed on the Nautilus roster.


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[mentioned in passing] Name listed on the Nautilus roster.

Dr. Cynthia Harvey

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Don's mother, a native of Venus and an archeologist working on Mars. She was a member of the Organization.

Donald James Harvey

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the protagonist.

Dr. Jonas Harvey

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Don Harvey's father, a noted archeologist and a member of the Organization.


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Johnny Ling claimed this was his "milk name" when he tried to persuade Don Harvey to sell him the ring that Dudley Jefferson had given him (it was embossed with an "H").


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Commodore who commanded the Venus Republic force that occupied Circum-Terra. He ruled that Don Harvey would be sent to Earth rather than Venus, but changed the decision when pressured by Sir Isaac Newton.

Dudley Jefferson

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A friend of Don Harvey's parents and member of the Organization, whom Don contacted before he left Earth. He was arrested in Don's company, and Don was later told he "suffered a fatal heart attack" during interrogation. He had sent Don a ring that, though Don was unaware of it, contained information crucial to building a weapons defense and faster-than-light-travel system.


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Terran soldier who invaded the Two Worlds Dining Room, taking Don Harvey prisoner and killing Old Charlie.


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One of the soldiers hunting Don after his escape from the detention camp.


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The "human" name of Refreshing Rain.


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Soldier assigned to Marsten's Raiders, He ferried Don Harvey to Sir Isaac Newton's home.


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Don Harvey's cowpony at the ranch school he attended on Earth.


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[mentioned in passing] Composer of "Raise Ship!".

Johnny Ling

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Man who followed Don Harvey out of the New London bank, guiding him to a cheap restaurant (but sticking him with the bill). Ling tried and failed to sell Donn black market money, then to buy the ring Dudley Jefferson had given him.

Little Buttercup

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Relative of Sir Isaac Newton, an integrating chemist. Her human name is unusual in that most dragons adopt the name of a famous scientist, but hers is from a character in the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta HMS Pinafore.

Madame Curie

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Relative of Sir Isaac Newton, like most Venerian dragons a scientist.

Malath Da Thon

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Martian courier sent to acquire the ring that Dudley Jefferson had given to Don Harvey.


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Woman who complained about the passengers' long wait in Goddard Hotel.


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Captain of the guerrilla group with which Don Harvey fought on Venus. He had been on detached duty at the time of the Federation invasion, and so avoided capture. He took it upon himself to gather together all soldiers not captured by the Federation. This group was called Marsten's Raiders.


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[mentioned in passing] Venus colonial given special attention by the occupying forces, reason unspecified.

Lady Maud

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Jack Moreau's horse.


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Sergeant in the Venus Republic High Guard, part of the occupational force at Circum-Terra.


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Member of the Venus Republic force occupying Circum-Terra. He was ordered to guard Don Harvey while Don's claim of Venusian citizenship was checked.

Jack Moreau

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Don Harvey's bunkmate at Ranchito Alegre. He planned on signing up for pilot training after graduation.

