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Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям

Миры Роберта Хайнлайна

По произведениям Роберта Хайнлайна и их экранизациям


Поиск персонажей

Группы персонажей

Хайнлайн: История будущего. Общие персонажи (18)

Хайнлайн: Дети Мафусаила (2)

Хайнлайн: Там, за гранью (34)

Хайнлайн: Ракетный корабль «Галилей» (0)

Хайнлайн: Космический кадет (1)

Хайнлайн: Красная планета (0)

Хайнлайн: Фермер в небе (0)

Хайнлайн: Среди планет (50)

Хайнлайн: Космическое семейство Стоун (0)

Хайнлайн: Астронавт Джонс (3)

Хайнлайн: Звёздный зверь (1)

Хайнлайн: Туннель в небе (0)

Хайнлайн: Двойник (1)

Хайнлайн: Время для звёзд (0)

Хайнлайн: Дверь в лето (2)

Хайнлайн: Гражданин Галактики (41)

Хайнлайн: Имею скафандр — готов путешествовать (1)

Хайнлайн: Чужак в чужом краю (6)

Хайнлайн: Дорога доблести (1)

Хайнлайн: Марсианка Подкейн (2)

Хайнлайн: Пасынки Вселенной (0)

Хайнлайн: Свободное владение Фарнхэма (7)

Хайнлайн: Луна — суровая хозяйка (5)

Хайнлайн: Не убоюсь я зла (1)

Хайнлайн: Достаточно времени для любви, или Жизни (5)

Хайнлайн: Число Зверя (0)

Хайнлайн: Фрайди (1)

Хайнлайн: Иов, или Осмеяние справедливости (3)

Хайнлайн: Кот, проходящий сквозь стены (40)

Хайнлайн: Уплыть за закат (0)

Хайнлайн: Нам, живущим (0)

Хайнлайн: Переменная звезда (0)

Хайнлайн: Персонажи повестей (25)

Хайнлайн: Персонажи рассказов (33)

Всего персонажей - 283


0 0 0

Crew member in the radio room of the Nautilus.

Charlie (Old Charlie)

0 0 0

Owner of the Two Worlds Dining Room, Don Harvey's employer; he was often called Old Charlie. He was killed by invading Federation forces.


0 0 0

Vacuum suit dealer to whom Ingrid Henderson instructed her daughter to take Richard Ames and Gwen Novak to buy suits.

Franklin Chiang

0 0 0

Physicist and Organization member. He was a crew member of the Little David.

Marcy Choy Mu

0 0 0

Traffic controller on duty at Hong Kong Luna when Richard Ames made the crash landing.

Aunt Cissy

0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Allegedly the youngest wife of Richard Ames' Uncle Jock; according to Ames she was still in high school.

Colonel Colin Campbell (Richard Ames)

0 0 0

Dejah Thoris "Deety" Burroughs Carter

0 0 0

Персонаж романов "Число зверя" и "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены"

Zebediah Carter

0 0 0

Персонаж романов "Число зверя" и "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены"

Ben Caxton

0 0 0

Stranger in a Strange Land


0 0 0

Venus colonial herded into a detention camp with Don Harvey aftere invasion by Federation forces.

Elspeth Coburn

0 0 0

Roger Conrad

0 0 0

Scientist in the Organization, with whom Don Harvey roomed at Sir Isaac Newton's house. He helped to develop the Horst-Milne-Conrad drive, as well as related applications such as force fields. He was a member of the Little David's crew.

Grace Cormet

0 0 0

Персонаж рассказа "...А ещё мы выгуливаем собак "

Isobel Costello

0 0 0

James Costello

0 0 0

Isobel Costello's father and manager of I.T.&T. on Venus. He was a member of the Organization.

Cynthia Craig

0 0 0

Персонаж повести "Неприятная профессия Джонатана Хога"

Joel de la Croix

0 0 0

Rudbek employee whom Jack Weemsby fired after de la Croix attempted to discuss business matters with Thorby Rudbek. He was rehired by Havermeyer Laboratories after Thorby took control of the businesses, and assigned to developing ships' defenses against slavers' paralysis beams.

Cuddlepup, Lummox

0 0 0

Lummox is the star beast

Dr. Cummings

0 0 0

Dr. Silard's relief at the atomics plant.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


0 0 0

One of the Federation soldiers hunting Don Harvey after Don's escape from the detention camp.


0 0 0

Member of a restaurant party disturbed by an accident of Monroe-Alpha Clifford's. The altercation culminated in an exchange of gunfire; the other party was astonished that Clifford used a projectile, not an energy-beam, weapon.

John Ezra Dahlquist

0 0 0

Персонаж рассказа "Долгая вахта". Упоминается в романе "Космический кадет"

Daniel Boone Davis

0 0 0


0 0 0

Dragon who worked at the Two Worlds Dining Room, a male despite the chosen name. The name is also unusual in that dragons usually chose names of scientists for their "human" names.

Professor Charles Darwin

0 0 0

Venerian dragon, a historian who taught Don Harvey "true speech" when the dragon and Don's father worked together.

Hazel Meade Davis, Sadie Lipschitz, Gwendolyn Nova

0 0 0

Manuel Garcia O'Kelly Davis, Mannie

0 0 0

Персонаж романов "Луна — суровая хозяйка " и "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены"


0 0 0

Commodore of all the Free Traders.


0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Mathematician/physicist who developed atomic theory that made possible the construction of atomic power plants. Some of his theories were later disproven

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"


0 0 0

Rental agent from whom Gwen Novak rented a space car in which to leave Golden Rule.

the Doctor

0 0 0

Medical man who was in Coventry for altruistic reasons, not in forced exile. He enjoyed immunity from any harassment because of the scarcity of healers. He treated Fader Magee for the injuries that resulted from his attempt to reach the gate out of Coventry.

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"

Doctor-Livingston-I-Presume (cat)

0 0 0

Matt Dodson

0 0 0



0 0 0

Secretary assigned to Thorby Rudbek at Rudbek offices.

Thomas Dooley

0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Man who died in a lab explosion on Luna. A memorial was set up to him and other victims.

Персонаж рассказа "Тёмные ямы Луны "

Dora (computer)

0 0 0

Персонаж романов "Число Зверя", "Достаточно времени для любви, или Жизни Лазаруса Лонга", "Кот, проходящий сквозь стены"

Dora Smith, Adorable Dora, Dorable

0 0 0


0 0 0

Dr. Archibald Douglas

0 0 0

Персонаж рассказа "Да будет свет!"

Kenan Drotar

0 0 0

Trainee in the computer room of the Sisu.

Dunn, Doon

0 0 0

[mentioned in passing] Ancient researcher into the meaning of dreams. [Mispronunciation of Carl Jung?]


0 0 0

Nobleman of Syndon IV, in the audience when Thorby Rudbek was sold in the slave auction in Jubbulpore. He financed Richard Baslim's purchase of Thorby, mostly to annoy the auctioneer.

John Black Eagle

0 0 0

Jinx Henderson's name before he married Ingrid Henderson.


0 0 0

One-handed man at Mother Johnston's speakeasy who "put the question" to David MacKinnon. (also in other stories)

Персонаж повести "Ковентри"


0 0 0

Colonel Brisby's aide.


0 0 0

Hanger-on at DeLancey's Sans Souci Bar. Gus Erickson declined her offer to join them but gave her money for a drink

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

Doctor Einstein

0 0 0

Relative of Sir Isaac Newton, a scientist like most Venerian dragons. (He probably chose his name in honor of Albert Einstein.)


0 0 0

One of the security police waiting in Dudley Jefferson's apartment when he and Don Harvey returned from dinner.

Gus Erickson

0 0 0

Engineer who replaced Cal Harper on watch after Harper was relieved of duty by Dr. Silard. He helped Cal develop a fuel suitable for space travel.

Персонаж рассказа "Взрыв всегда возможен"

