Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Ron Weasley
HP: EWE, Complete
589 Кб
15.08.2008 — 15.09.2009
After Narcissa Malfoy makes a deal with the Order of the Phoenix for protection and for a probational dismissal of charges regarding her son's role in the death of Albus Dumbledore, Draco Malfoy returns to Hogwarts for a seventh year. Disgraced, reckless, and resentful, Draco decides to pursue a long-time desire for Hermione Granger. What begins as a loveless series of trysts wherein Hermione tries to ease the pain of Ron's apparent indifference soon becomes inevitably complicated. With Harry off searching for Horcruxes and Ron still lacking the courage to pursue her, Hermione finds herself becoming increasingly and inexplicably attached to a boy she believes can never love anyone, least of all her. She believes this so firmly, in fact, that the significance of the subtle changes in Draco's behavior may not become evident to her before their secret relationship is discovered.
Примечания автора: This fic was written over the course of fifteen long and introspective months in 2008 and 2009. I could not have made it through the first few chapters, let alone have seen it through to its end, without the help and support of my beta (Twist Shimmy) and of the HP fanfiction community. The encouragement from the HP LiveJournal family and from reviewers kept me motivated to post chapter after chapter until the fic was complete. To all of you who made this possible, thank you. Also, many, many thanks to draconis23 for the beautiful banner!
Сумеет ли маленькая девочка сохранить себя в семье, где каждое её слово и каждую просьбу рассматривают под микроскопом родовых традиций?
Сможет ли перешагнуть через эту нелюбовь своей матери и родны...>>Сумеет ли маленькая девочка сохранить себя в семье, где каждое её слово и каждую просьбу рассматривают под микроскопом родовых традиций?
Сможет ли перешагнуть через эту нелюбовь своей матери и родных? Или станет в итоге такой же?
Очень рекомендую)