HP/Stargate XOver. What if there was more than one prophecy out there concerning Harry Potter, only no one knew about the other except the person who made it. Merlin had propheised "When two shall be joined as one their battles will shake the Heavens and the Earth and those in power shall be undone."
Примечания автора: I blame Lady Stormrider for the plot bunnie that created this story. It just kept attacking until I started writing it. Just so you know the updates for this one will not be as fast as my other stories, because from the basic plot outline I have written so far, each chapter promises to be very very lllllllllllllooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggg. This one chapter is about 18 pages long.No this story will not be slash, no matter what the title may imply because while I like slash and read it, I can’t write it all that well. This story is taking place during POA. The bunnie that Lady Stormrider dropped off in my living room had the plot of; What if Daniel died and he came back as Harry? Instead of ascending after saved the planet Langara, Daniel was forced into a new body that of Harry James Potter (at what point in Harry's life is up to you, personally I would go for birth) So at some period in his life Harry decided to go back to SGC (after Daniel's death but before Harry is an adult) Can you imagine everyone's reaction to 16 yr old British citizen being able to list off all the planets and people the late Daniel Jackson had meet?It gave birth to this mutant bunnie: The first time Daniel descended and he went back to Harry's 3rd year 1993. His disappearing interrupted his descension by the Others. Harry didn't manage to make it out of the house after blowing up Aunt Marge. Instead Vernon beat him so badly that he was very close to death and dumped him into the basement/cellar. It is at that point that Daniel will merge with Harry. Daniel's memories and the powers he got, as an Ascended will be intact. Beyond the fact that Vernon and company will get what is coming to them, and that it will follow some of book 3, but not all of it.Now for the legal stuff: I don’t own Harry Potter or Stargate nor is it intended to infringe on any of the rights of those who do own them. Believe me if I did own them I wouldn’t have to worry about money for quite some time, but since I don’t I am writing this strictly for entertainment purposes and suing me would get you nothing but my mounting pile of debts and those you can have I freely offer them to you.Now on to the story words more words = private thoughts and flash backs/words/ = mental speech/conversations
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