Ghostly Encounters of the Grand-Parental Variety (гет)
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Kylo Ren/Rey, Rey (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker
Force Ghosts, Fluff and Crack, Not to be taken seriously, kylo and rey need advice from their grandfathers, Rey Kenobi, obi wan gets very angry, anakin gets very amused, rey and kylo are just confused, Alternate Universe - Crack, I Don't Even Know, Reylo - Freeform
18.01.2016 — 18.01.2016
A story in which Rey and Kylo are conflicted about their feelings for each other and turn to their darling grandfathers for advice.
Also, the riveting tale of Obi-Wan Kenobi convincing his former padawan Anakin Skywalker that it is CERTAINLY NOT OKAY FOR HIS EMO GRANDSON TO BE KISSING HIS PERFECT GRANDDAUGHTER REY.
Also, the equally thrilling tale of Anakin Skywalker who is just happy that his dark-side-obsessed grandson actually wants to embrace something related to the light side. (Even if that means literally embracing Rey)
The saga of two conflicted grand kids, their eccentric grandfathers who happen to be ghosts, and a forbidden romance.
Последнее обновление: 21 августа 2019.
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