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Inevitable (гет)

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Cersei Lannister/Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister & Jaime Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Euron Greyjoy, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Bronn (ASoIaF), Qyburn (ASoIaF), Theon Greyjoy, Bran Stark, Brienne of Tarth, Sansa Stark, Podrick Payne, Meera Reed, Maggy (ASoIaF)
Post Season 6, Post Season 7, season 7, Voyeurism, Heavy Angst, Fate, Angst, jaime/cersei endgame, POV Jaime Lannister, Twincest, Post Season 8, Season 8, Pregnancy, Incest, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Prophecy, POV Cersei, Betrayal, Twins, Novella, Regret, Prophetic Dreams, maggy the frog - Freeform, Mystery, True Love, Love, Friendship, Brother/Sister Incest, R Plus L Equals J, Beautiful Golden Fools, Child Loss, Miscarriage
398 Кб
В процессе
19.05.2017 — 06.07.2019
After the loss of her last living child, a desperate Cersei will do anything to keep her crown and prevent the final part of her prophecy from coming true. Even marrying Euron Greyjoy. To further ensure she will not succumb to the prophecy's dark end she has Maggy brought to The Red Keep and interrogates her as to how to prevent her fate.
Jaime finds out about Lancel, and further angered by Cersei's plans to refuse to help against the war against the undead, they are not on good terms. When she informs him she will marry Euron, Jaime and Cersei have an explosive confrontation that cumulates in him leaving Cersei, who is pregnant.
One day, years later they will meet again. Will they be able to accept each other's betrayals, or end up killing each other?
This story follows canon until the end of season 6 then diverges. It is full of lot's of twists and turns and some chapters are told from Jaime's pov and some from Cersei's pov.
As of June 27 This fic is on hiatus and possibly to be discontinued due not many reviews. I will come back in a few months to make a final decision.
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Последнее обновление: 21 августа 2019.

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