Consensual Kink, Under-negotiated Kink, Miscommunication, Foot Fetish, Service Kink
40 Кб
19.06.2018 — 19.06.2018
“Yes, I design shoes,” Nikiforov told us this week, face flushed and hands uncharacteristically flying around as he spoke. “But I don’t design a shoe to be put on a foot. I design a shoe to be worn with the whole body. I design expressions, confidence, attitude - if you put on a pair of my shoes, you should feel it all the way up in your eyebrows. The first time I saw him in one of my designs, it was like my sketches had walked off the page. He is what I’ve been working towards my entire career.”
He is Katsuki Yuuri, a breakout model who made his debut last year at Moscow’s Fashion Week.
#йети #НГ #очумелые_ручки
Два дня работы и костюм хулиганистой Снежинки готов. Единственное, на что не хватило ни сил, ни времени, ни материала, так это кокошник. Будет веночек