Alternate Universe, Burlesque, Alternate Universe - Burlesque Club, Burlesque Dancer Victor, Long-Haired Victor Nikiforov, Lap dancing, Power Bottom Victor Nikiforov, Fluff, Romance, Mutual Pining, Smut, Anal Sex, Because smut with feelings is my specialty, Lingerie
40 Кб
29.11.2018 — 29.11.2018
One look was all it took. The moment Yuuri laid eyes on the stunning burlesque dancer at centre stage, he knew there was no going back. Love at first sight had always been such a silly concept to Yuuri until he saw Victor dancing in fishnets, singing and wearing that dazzling smile. And suddenly, Yuuri found himself drawn in. The desire to see Victor dancing just one more time always brought him back. Week after week, he would sit in the crowds and watch, never allowed to get any closer. Until now.