Based on the artwork of Sunahara Wataru and the H-Movie “Childhood Restart”: An accomplished Naruto Uzumaki lives in regret over not claiming Sakura Haruno, his true love, before Sasuke Uchiha sank his claws into her. Eager to make things right, Naruto sets out to travel to the past, and, in his younger body, change history so that Sakura devotes herself to him.
Примечания автора: Trigger warning: This story includes UNDERAGE SEX- so sexual partners will be, at first, between 10-13 in age. The story will include time-skips, but not immediately. A number of scenes will likely take place before that. So, you are warned. If underage sex repulses or offends you, do NOT read this. I do not condone this, nor do I encourage people to do it. This is just a story. All characters and locations are property of Masashi Kishimoto, and I claim no credit for them.
Добрая сказка о тех самых нитях, незримых. О волшебстве и магии без палочек. О добре человеческого сердца, чудиках и чудесах. И в финале так тепло, будто душу укутали шарфом с серебряными снежинками.