Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia/Jaskier | Dandelion
Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Monster of the Week, Bottom Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia, Service Top Jaskier | Dandelion, subspace but not really, it's that thing where you have feelings but you don't know what they are, First Time, just two bros sharing baths and eating cured meats, Slice of Life
74 Кб
25.02.2020 — 25.02.2020
“I learn stuff about you to enrich my songs, thanks very much.”
Geralt starts. “Like what?” Jaskier strums a chord. “Plenty of things. You always ask the contractor if they want the head or not instead of just showing up with it, because you don’t want to shock people. You eat normal amounts of food when eating in public, instead of your usual awe-inducing giant amount. You sleep more when you’re hurt, but that’s the only way I’d ever know. You’re a bit weird about your potions and you count them a lot.” He glances up and grins. “Shall I continue?” A handful of contracts go sideways. Recovering is easier with Jaskier there.
Вот теперь спустя полторы недели томительного ожидания меня можно поздравить с покупкой первой в жизни машины 🎉
А что вы знаете об импульсивных покупках?)
Муж веселится, мол, это подарок на восьмое марта, тогда как он на 23 февраля даже носков не дождался 😅