Fickle Fate (фемслэш)
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Female Shepard/Ashley Williams, Kasumi Goto/Keiji Okuda, Zaeed Massani/Original Asari Character (La'Dauna Onassis), Female Shepard (Mass Effect), Jack | Subject Zero, Original Turian Character (Cael Livinius), Original Quarian Character (Reza'Vedar), Vetra Nyx, Sidera Nyx, Reyes Vidal, Sloane Kelly, Urdnot Wrex, Suvi Anwar (Cameo), Emily Wong (Cameo), David Anderson (Mass Effect), Karin Chakwas, Asari Councilor | Tevos, Turian Councilor | Sparatus, Salarian Councilor | Valern, Saren Arterius, Garrus Vakarian, Kaidan Alenko, Liara T'Soni, Tali'Zorah nar Rayya, Nihlus Kryik, Cerberus
Mindoir (Mass Effect), Mercenary Shepard (Mass Effect), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, video game violence, Lesbian Character, My First Fanfic, Mass Effect 1, Colonist (Mass Effect), Slow Romance, Slow To Update
03.12.2020 — 03.06.2021
When Mindoir is attacked by Batarian slavers, sixteen-year-old Cara Jane Shepard is saved not by the Alliance, but by the mercenary Zaeed Massani. She joins his small mercenary operation, picking up other familiar faces along the way.
Now, 28-year-old Shepard is helping to lead the crew, and a job with a huge payday comes their way. Millions of credits and practically served to them on a silver platter, it's just too good to pass up. Plus, Eden Prime is a backwoods paradise colony. What could go wrong?
It seems that Shepard's fate is sealed when it comes to the Prothean artifact, but has her life been changed too much to make a difference when the Reapers threaten the galaxy.
Последнее обновление: 9 июня 2021.
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