Romance, Lemon, First Time, Malédiction, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child Compliant, Canon Compliant, Harry Potter Epilogue Compliant, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Emotional Baggage, Angst, Family Secrets, Masturbation, Lust, Chronic Illness, Developing Relationship, Loss, Drastoria, Suicidal Thoughts, Post-Hogwarts, Sex, Blood, non-traditional sex toys
317 Кб
В процессе
19.06.2019 — 28.08.2023
The Dark Lord is gone, and the war has taken its toll on Astoria. To add to misery, her curse has started to get worse. For the first time in her life, Astoria starts playing fast and loose with the rules - and she likes it. So, apparently, does Draco Malfoy. Rated M, for all the sexy steaminess. This is Part II of a Drastoria story I have in my head. Parts I and II are currently in process, with Part III only a vague concept. If you're patient, hopefully I will get it all down eventually!
Примечания автора: Hello! This, along with Part I: Something to Hide, is my first deep dive into HP Fanfiction. Comments and DMs are always appreciated! Otherwise I will assume that only Chinese bots and Russian trolls are reading my stuff.
Иду сейчас из аптеки через стадион в соседнем дворе. За мной - молодая женщина, моего примерно возраста, рядом топает девчушка лет двух и хнычет - устала, видимо. Мать садится перед ней на корточки и, поочередно целуя щечки, глазки и лобик:
- Солнышко *чмок*, коляски у нас нет *чмок*, поэтому мы или ножками идем *чмок*, или садимся вон в тот сугробик *чмок* и замерзаем *чмок*!
...не, нуачо, без крика и ругани расписала ребенку перспективы, все правильно сделала.