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Dark Angel of Samaria (слэш)

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Loki/Tony, Loki/Sigyn, frostiron, Tony Stark, Thor, Frigga, Loki's Children, Hela, Jormungr, Fenrir, Vali, Nari, Pepper Potts, Obediah Stane, Secondary Characters - Character, Sif
angel au, Mortal!Tony, Angel!Loki, Soulmate AU, Murder Mystery, Sort Of, Religious Themes, Archangel setting, Slow Burn, papa!loki, blacksmith!Tony, Homophobia, Loki challenges said homophobia, slowly changing society, Archangel!Thor, music and harmony are central tenants, graphic depictions of surgery, Hurt/Comfort, negative views of disabilities, again being challenged, it makes sense when you see that Hela had an injury at birth, Near Death Experiences, Loki is a good father and he will fight anyone who insults his children, Tony Stark Needs a Hug, Loki Needs a Hug, Tony has allergies to commitment, daddy issues everywhere, Secondary character deaths
461 Кб
02.09.2019 — 24.07.2020
Set in the rich world of Sharon Shinn's 'Archangel' series, Loki is the leader of one of three holds that house angels, the servants of the god who protect and manage Samaria and its inhabitants, and promote peace and harmony. Brother to the Archangel, Loki's life had settled into a calm of raising his children and managing a hold, until a fateful meeting with a blacksmith named Tony Stark turns his world around. Curious, he decides to investigate this delightfully brilliant man who could possibly be his soul mate. But Love isn't the only force at work in Samaria. Suspicious deaths bring an unwelcome possibility that someone is killing angels, a crime that cannot be fathomed. Tony's push for science challenges Loki's faith, while Loki shreds every misconception Tony has about religion, the Samarian god, and his own place in the world. They quickly learn that to catch this murderer, they will need every shred of brilliance that Tony can bring, a man who pushes the boundaries of technology and science in a society that had abandoned both and is slowly rediscovering. Above all, can they restore Harmony to a world that is on the brink of abandoning it?
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