Narcissa Black Malfoy & Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Family Feels, Growing Up, Found Family, Sane Voldemort (Harry Potter), Harry Potter is a Horcrux, Abusive Dursley Family (Harry Potter), BAMF Narcissa Black Malfoy, Good Malfoy Family (Harry Potter), Gender Confusion, except not really, Mental Health Issues
229 Кб
28.03.2022 — 13.04.2023
Anything can be achieved, provided the conditions are met. Harry James Potter’s ambitions might appear impossible, but, then again, so is his life. Or Harry James Potter didn't know what having children meant, who could have them and why they might wish to do so. Harry James Potter just wanted one. Desperately.
Примечания автора: Whooo, boy. I don't know where this one came from. I know, it's another WIP. I'm sorry. I always say I won't do this, but I do. My plan, back when my SVSSS story was 3chpts only, was to finish that one, and start posting this one. Then I wrote 30k of this one and, well.Listen, blame the world. How can anyone expect me to keep focus when the world is so nutty? That is my case, your Honour.CW. This one deals with child abuse rather explicitly, and themes of mental health struggles are present throughout the work. I'm not sure how I would tag for every chapter so an umbrella warning right away. There is no depression, per see, or any suicidality, but it's challenging in it's own way.
Katedemort Krit:
Меня даже гордость распирает – первой написать рекомендацию этой чудесной истории. Гордость-то распирает – а слов не хватает. Кроме... "Пронзительно"? Да, пожалуй, это пронзительно. А ещё очень легко,...>>Меня даже гордость распирает – первой написать рекомендацию этой чудесной истории. Гордость-то распирает – а слов не хватает. Кроме... "Пронзительно"? Да, пожалуй, это пронзительно. А ещё очень легко, воздушно, по-настоящему! Текст до одури, до донышка шикарный. Простой, но мастерский. Последовательный, искренний, теплый. Замечательный! Я теперь влюблена в него так же, как Анджи влюблена в Уизли.