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disintegration (смешанная)

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Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Remus Lupin & Dorcas Meadowes, Minor or Background Relationship(s), James Potter, Marlene McKinnon, Mary Macdonald, Regulus Black, Pandora Lovegood, Lily Evans
Alternate Universe - Vampire, Vampire Sirius Black, Hunter Remus Lupin, First War with Voldemort, Except it's Vampires, Enemies to Lovers, Dubious Morality, unlearning prejudices, Character Death, Vampire Hunters, New York City, Arson, War, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Heist, reluctant allies, Sexual Tension, as in Knife to the Throat kind of sexual tension, BAMF Dorcas Meadowes, Sirius Black's Vulnerability Issues, James Potter's Gaggle of Forlorn Supernatural Youths™, Blood Drinking, Horcrux Hunting, Marlene McKinnon Runs The Order, Corruption, Sexual Content, depictions of ptsd, Grief, Death, I want to re-emphasise this, Ppl will die, Identity Issues, working through trauma, Gun Violence, Knife Kink, Near Death Experiences, Suicidal Thoughts, Heavy Angst, Found Family, Dissociation, Fluff, i promise there’s some of that in here too, ’we’d die for each other and kill each other in the same breath’ type romance, courtesy of our main boys, Murder Husbands, i was gonna tag murder but that one is even better. there’s so much murder tho, remus is in a constant state of confusion, as in his entire life and everything he knows is unravelling before his eyes, Betrayal, Tags Are Always Changing Because Jude Is Indecisive, Remus Lupin’s Brood Of Supernatural Kids He Accidentally Adopted™, PEOPLE YOU LOVE WILL DIE!!!
3 045 Кб
В процессе
10.08.2021 — 01.02.2023
Remus stepped into Sirius’ personal space, leaning down and taking out his holy water doused dagger from his pouch. He placed it flat underneath Sirius’ chin, pushing his head up to look him in the eyes. He hissed as the silver burnt him, red and vicious.
“What,” he whispered, “are you doing here?”
Sirius looked pained for a second, and then he blinked, and that stupid, cocky smile lit up his face once more.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, pretty boy?”
or - Sirius and Remus have been trying to kill each other for eight years, but something always seems to be standing in the way.
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