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В сервис загружено 19 произведений

Lucky Number Seven (слэш)

1   08.01.2025    archiveofourown.org   
Can I just call in sick or something?”
Hermione chuckled into her tea. “Call in sick from a binding magical contract? I don’t think so, Harry.”
He wheezed. “A what?”
“Ohh dear.” She said awkwardly. “Well, you’ve agreed to, erm, a magical ceremony. Of sorts. It, it reads your magical signature and determines a list of eligible witches that are best matched to you.”
His stomach s...>>
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Ginny Weasley, Luna Lovegood, Weasley Family (Harry Potter), Neville Longbottom
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 621 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Issues (слэш)

1   14.10.2024    archiveofourown.org   
“Good morning, Professor.” A familiar voice greeted, the same hint of amusement in it that was there every time he repeated the greeting – every morning, Monday to Friday.
“Potter.” He snapped – just like every other morning too. The auror chuckled softly and headed off, towards the ministry building. Severus took a moment just to calm his racing heart and then headed into his shop.
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 40 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Not a No, is it? (слэш)

1   15.02.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Harry glanced around the dimly lit club with a practiced eye. He’d seen it all before – not this specific club, but others like it. They were all the same, really. Dim lights, loud music, alcohol, a dancefloor, and a seating area. His eyes travelled the length of the room and then back again when something caught his eye. He nearly dropped his drink – criminal, given how much they charged – as he ...>> Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 42 Кб
Статус: Закончен

The Will To Fight (слэш)

2   08.02.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Severus grunted, annoyed just on principle. It wasn’t that he was being inconvenienced – not at all, really, but it still bothered him when the headmistress had Potter over. It wasn’t even him – he hated all reminders of the past, the war, the before.
All of them. His left forearm twinged and he hissed in annoyance. Potter. His arm always hurt when he thought about the brat – though he was ne...>>
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, OMCs
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 428 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Tenure (слэш)

1   19.01.2023    archiveofourown.org   
“You must be joking.” He hissed to his oldest colleague.
“Afraid not.”
“I’m the headmaster.” He replied.
“So you are.” Minerva agreed. “And they’re the board.”
“It’s Potter.”
“Harry is a war hero, decorated auror, and overall nice person. Even if you don’t like him.”
“He’s… he’s…”
She gave him a meaningful look. “Frankly, it’s a wonder they didn’t hire him with tenure.”
“Merlin, no.” He moaned. “Anything but that.”
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 22 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Scars (слэш)

1   18.01.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Despite being an omega, Severus has never had a nurturing bone in his body. While that put an end to any foolish fantasies of romance that his appearance hadn't *already* killed, he was not at all prepared for waking up, after the war, healing from that snake's bite.
Of course, that paled next to the realisation of where he was and who was looking after him - and really how *dare* Potter, an alpha, be so damn good at looking after both him and Teddy anyway? Who gave him the right? The right to mess with Severus' head, that was.
He really ought to leave.
Any day now.
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Teddy Lupin, Andromeda Black Tonks
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 48 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Obedience (слэш)

1   16.01.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Harry is quite surprised to meet Severus Snape in a gay BDSM club. In his defence, who wouldn't be? It was... Snape.
He's *more* surprised when the other man isn't as hostile as could be.
By the time they're tentative friends, he's mostly gotten over his surprise - just in time to be extremely shocked by what he learns about the Slytherin.
He helps - of course he does, over and over - but for how long can he keep it up? And why does Snape keep coming to him anyway?
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Others, Severus Snape/Others, Gawain Robards, OMC
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 587 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Blowing Smoke (слэш)

1   02.01.2023    archiveofourown.org   
Harry doesn't care about Snape beyond having to sit detentions with the man despite being of age. He doesn't. He asks him out for a drink just to get out of detention. So what if it's... nice? So what if they become friends? So what if Snape *is* lonely?
It's not Harry's problem - at least not until he realises he's accidentally befriended the man, and just how much he cares for Snape.
Well, shit.
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Minerva McGonagall, Dean Thomas, Lavender Brown, Filius Flitwick
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 1 322 Кб
Статус: Закончен

A Boggart State of Mind (слэш)

1   02.12.2022    archiveofourown.org   
It curled around the base of his spine like the most tempting, soft caress, the awareness of those eyes on him. He sighed, turning with a raised eyebrow to meet the eyes of the man staring at him – green met black, a sneer to face a smile.
He was interested, of course - who wouldn't be? But unlike Potter, he knew it wouldn't work - not with the filthy secret he'd kept hidden for as long as he had had it. He shuddered at the thought of Potter... but no. He couldn't take the ridicule, wouldn't risk it.
Or... could he?
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 70 Кб
Статус: Закончен

After the War (слэш)

1   12.11.2022    archiveofourown.org   
Harry Potter only wanted him on his knees. That would never change, he was sure of it. Anything else, that was just in his head. Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 50 Кб
Статус: Закончен

The Most Tender of Feelings (слэш)

1   12.11.2022    archiveofourown.org   
Harry didn’t like Severus Snape. He never had, he never would. Their relationship had varied from ‘suspicious dislike’ to ‘blind hatred’ and everything in between. After the war – after he’d personally saved the greasy git’s life in the Shrieking Shack, he’d had a little bit of hope that they would end up becoming more friendly.
That was very empathetically not the case.
They keep meeting, and arguing, and fighting - oh, and fucking. Lots of that, but that's just... curiosity, right? Harry isn't gay, and Snape doesn't like him.
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Padma Patil, OMC
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 121 Кб
Статус: Закончен

The Prologue (слэш)

1   09.11.2022    archiveofourown.org   
Harry gets drunk to make another unbearable ministry shinding bearable - and who does he meet on the balcony other than his former teacher, Severus Snape? It's the nicest conversation they've ever had, and he doesn't even mind the hangover he knows he'll have. That'll pale in comparison to the date the other man agreed to on that balcony... wait what?
Prequel to A new chapter. Can be read alone - in which case, open-ended pre-slash.
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Ginny Weasley
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 12 Кб
Статус: Закончен

A new chapter (слэш)

0   09.11.2022    archiveofourown.org   
It's been three months since Harry had somehow asked out Snape while drunk - three months of nice dates, pleasant evenings, and lonely nights. He knows who Snape is - but does the man have to be so bloody mean all the time? Every time Harry considers calling it quits, Snape does something that makes him want to stay, though. The only thing he doesn't do is make Harry feel wanted. Eventually, it becomes too much, and he leaves - but can either man stay away for good? Do they even want to? Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Harry Potter/Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Ron Weasley
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 197 Кб
Статус: Закончен

A Wish for the Damned (гет)

1   13.09.2022    archiveofourown.org   
Sometimes, the end isn't the end, and Death is just a holding place in need of some colour. Magic protected her son, and it gave her a wish in exchange for her sacrifice that saved the world. She doesn't know what to wish for until she realises there's only one thing worth that wish... if only that 'thing' wasn't quite so uncooperative with her attempts to make the wish come true. But then, nothing ever came easy for her and Severus, so it's only fair that coming back to life isn't either. Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling
Персонажи: Lily Evans Potter/Severus Snape, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, Hogwarts Staff, Weasley Family (Harry Potter)
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 283 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Blind Luck (слэш)

0   16.09.2019    archiveofourown.org   
AU where Yuuri signs up for a dating site on a whim. It was a novelty, really, just a silly thing he came across while clicking through a few skating sites. A blind dating website that lets you enter preferences and automatically and directly matches you with someone that fits those preferences? It was stupid, wasn’t it?
Turns out no, it was the best decision he made in his life. It just... takes him a bit to realise that. A younger Yuuri and a younger Victor interact online and it turns out to be just what both of them needed.
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri's Family, Yakov Feltsman, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 224 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Challenge Me (слэш)

0   26.08.2019    archiveofourown.org   
AU where Victor takes Yuuri to his bedroom after the banquet and accepts a challenge from the drunk man. Yuuri wakes up remembering nothing but rolls with it anyway because it's Victor and honestly, what choice does he have?
Then... Yuuri injures himself, and suddenly things are very, very different. Faced with losing everything, what can he really hold onto?
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Yuri Plisetsky, Yakov Feltsman, Celestino Cialdini, Phichit Chulanont, Nishigori Family (Yuri!!! On Ice), Katsuki Yuuri's Parents, Okukawa Minako
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 541 Кб
Статус: Закончен

The Skater and the Dancer (слэш)

0   21.01.2019    archiveofourown.org   
AU where Yuuri stuck with dancing rather than skating and ends up as a ballet teacher in St. Petersburg. Victor is a world-famous skater and because it’s a universal constant, he falls hard for Yuuri. The only problem: Yuuri is straight. Not for very much longer though, if Victor has any say about it. Turns out he does, but that doesn’t mean things always go smoothly.
A slow-paced story of tw...>>
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Katsuki Yuuri & Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont, Mila Babicheva, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Georgi Popovich, Yakov Feltsman, Katsuki Toshiya, Katsuki Mari, Katsuki Hiroko, Okukawa Minako, Nishigori Yuuko, Nishigori Takeshi, Nishigori Triplets, Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 730 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Pour Some Sugar On Me (слэш)

0   12.01.2019    archiveofourown.org   
Reverse sugar daddy AU - Yuuri wakes up after a night of too much booze and finds himself bombarded with outrageous, expensive gifts that somehow manage to also be extremely thoughtful and match what he likes. At 28, and thinking of himself as ordinary, he thinks that's a bit unusual, creepy even. His roommate Phichit thinks he should roll with it.
Yuuri tries to turn the other man down, he r...>>
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Phichit Chulanont
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 66 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Miscommunication (слэш)

0   03.12.2018    archiveofourown.org   
Victor was used to people falling in love with him because of his skating. He never expected to fall in love watching someone else skate. Having never truly been in love at all, it took him a remarkably long time to figure out that that was what had happened to him when he watched Yuuri Katsuki.
Victor Nikiforov was a strong man, a proud man. Most men from Russia were, really, but he even more...>>
Автор: DawnOfTomorrow
Фандом: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Персонажи: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Christophe Giacometti, Yuri Plisetsky, Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Рейтинг: NC-17
Размер: 64 Кб
Статус: Закончен

