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Фэндом Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021) archiveofourown.org

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В сервис загружено 13 произведений

Aware of the Prison (слэш)

1   22.05.2022    archiveofourown.org   
Frank knows there's something different about MacGregor Автор: 305unreal
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 2 Кб
Статус: Закончен

A costly mistake (джен)

1   18.01.2022    archiveofourown.org   
Frank allows MacGregor to pilot La Quila for a while - a decision he soon regrets... Автор: real_time_fics (fandomgurl77)
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff (implied), Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise), Próxima (Jungle Cruise) (mentioned), Lily Houghton (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Kerchief (слэш)

1   02.01.2022    archiveofourown.org   
MacGregor is halfway through a bottle of vinho do Porto – an absolutely scrummy little '87 vintage he'd hacked open with Frank's machete like a bloody maniac because he couldn't find his corkscrew – when he spots it. Автор: Argyle
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff
Рейтинг: R
Размер: 4 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Tickletober Day Fifteen - Revenge (слэш)

1   25.10.2021    archiveofourown.org   
MacGregor seeks to fix certain inequalities in their relationship. Автор: Ticklishanimeboysaremylife
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 7 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Finding Love Elsewhere (слэш)

1   14.10.2021    archiveofourown.org   
MacGregor loves his sister very much, but isn't exactly looking forward to the Amazon. Especially when he could be socializing back in London. There is nothing for him in Brazil. Of course he goes to look after Lily since she thinks there's everything for her there. Автор: onemoore
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: McGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise), MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Lily Houghton (Jungle Cruise), McGregor Houghton (Jungle Cruise)
Размер: 100 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Lily’s Observations (слэш)

1   29.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
Lily observes how Frank and MacGregor are growing close to the point of some sweet daily tickle fights that look like they could lead to something more. Автор: otomiyatickles
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise), Lily Houghton (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен

World Enough For Him (слэш)

1   28.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
Welcome to the Amazon where if the animals don’t kill you, Franks puns will. Two Londoners are looking for passage up river to possibly the most dangerous part of the Amazon but one gets more than he’s after. How will MacGregor deal with braving the Amazon with his sister and the most beautiful man he’s ever seen? And how will Frank, a several hundred year old conquistador on the hunt to end his c...>> Автор: GraysonTheAbrasive (fork_of_destiny)
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise), Lily Houghton (Jungle Cruise), Proxima (Jungle Cruise)
Размер: 35 Кб
Статус: В процессе

a pain in the glass (слэш)

1   18.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
While musing over his feelings for his sister's lover, MacGregor Houghton cuts his hand and who is there to help patch him up but Frank Wolff. Автор: iihappydaysii
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: PG-13
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Grow Old With Me (слэш)

1   18.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
I took some of the movie's end major scenes and made them so they were about MacGregor and Frank getting together instead of Lily and Frank. I love Lily with all my heart but I prefer MacGregor with Frank.
“He told me that I would have been world enough for him. I’m not quite sure what that means but I feel like I’m starting to understand...”, Macgregor mumbles.
Автор: Gaydemonprince
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Размер: 19 Кб
Статус: В процессе

Looking Good in Red (слэш)

0   11.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
MacGregor doesn’t know why he volunteered but he did and now he is here in one of London’s most elegant Tailors searching for a wardrobe for Frank, the 400 and something-year-old skipper who hadn’t left the jungle for centuries. Lily was off doing whatever Lily wanted to do, most likely searching for a new adventure that the trio could embark on. For now though MacGregor’s only adventure would be to get through these next hours staring at a very beautiful man. Автор: Gaydemonprince
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, mentioned Lily Houghton/Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Just A Little Push (слэш)

1   10.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
I’ve noticed that there isn’t a lot of fics for this ship and it is obviously because it is a rare ship so I thought I could help the fandom by writing a small one-shot. I plan on writing more in the future.
(Oh! Also, what is the ship name? Macgrank? Fregor? I have no idea.)
Автор: Gaydemonprince
Фандомы: The Jungle Cruise - Fandom, Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: MacGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise), Lily Houghton (Jungle Cruise)
Размер: 9 Кб
Статус: Закончен

Elsewhere With Him (слэш)

1   04.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
McGregor has a small moment with Frank after getting back from the jungle before they head home. Автор: pajama_cats
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: McGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise, Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 8 Кб
Статус: Закончен

yet the world would still be lonely with such virtues only (слэш)

1   04.08.2021    archiveofourown.org   
"I don't dance. Or anything. Honestly, I'm several hundred years old so unless you know how to saltarello, I'm not sure."
It's not true, McGregor has taught Frank every dance he knows and they dance quite often in their flat. However, that's a special thing, one that Frank doesn't want to tarnish with anyone else.
Автор: ash_ish
Фандом: Jungle Cruise (Movie 2021)
Персонажи: McGregor Houghton/Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise)
Рейтинг: General
Размер: 3 Кб
Статус: Закончен

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