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17 марта 2020
Aa Aa
Вот прекрасное же про многих псевдоисториков.
The lecturer did really try to prove that the "porcine image" had never been used in English history or literature, except in contempt. And the lecturer really did know a very great deal about English history and literature: much more than she did; much more than the aristocrats round her did. But she noted that in every case what he knew was a fragmentary fact. In every case what he did not know was the truth behind the fact. What he did not know was the atmosphere. What he did not know was the tradition.
17 марта 2020
4 комментариев из 7
Fluxius Secundus, а он помер?
Что вы, ради бога. Прозоров просто был враль.
Это про более тонкие случаи
Лев Прозоров, не Александр, если что.
Признаюсь, не до конца ясно. Нельзя ли чуть подробнее?
При желании цитату можно раскрутить минимум в две стороны:
1) Несмотря на отсутствие грубых фактологических ошибок, у выступающего отсутствует комплексное понимание вопроса, что и приводит к плачевным результатам, и у лектора получится максимум что-то вроде "Новой хронологии".
2) "Атмосфера и традиции" - это эвфемизм генеральной линии партии, и если факты в неё не укладываются, тем хуже для них.
Критерием положительной или отрицательной оценки ... могут быть только национальные интересы... Первый вопрос, на который должна честно ответить историческая наука, — насколько то или иное событие или частное деяние отвечает интересам страны и народа.
rational_sith, как несложно догадаться, если это цитата из художественного произведения - то и понимать её следует в контексте произведения.
Например, там дальше следуют вот такие примеры (я просто уберег себя от необходимости переводить полную страницу):
Misysra Ammon knew, what next to none of the English present knew, that Richard III was called a “boar” by an eighteenth century poet and a “hog” by a fifteenth century poet. What he did not know was the habit of sport and of heraldry. He did not know (what Joan knew instantly, though she had never thought of it before in her life) that beasts courageous and hard to kill are noble beasts, by the law of chivalry. Therefore, the boar was a noble beast, and a common crest for great captains. Misysra tried to show that Richard had only been called a pig after he was cold pork at Bosworth.

Misysra Ammon knew, what next to none of the English present knew, that there never was such a person as Lord Bacon. The phrase is a falsification of what should be Lord Verulam or Lord St. Albans. What he did not know was exactly what Joan did know (though it had never crossed her mind till that moment) that when all is said and done, a title is a sort of joke, while a surname is a serious thing. Bacon was a gentleman, and his name was Bacon; whatever titles he took. But Misysra seriously tried to prove that “Bacon” was a term of abuse applied to him during his unpopularity or after his fall.

Misysra Ammon knew, what next to none of the English present knew, that the poet Shelley had a friend called Hogg, who treated him on one occasion with grave treachery. He instantly tried to prove that the man was only called “Hogg” because he had treated Shelley with grave treachery. And he actually adduced the fact that another poet, practically contemporary, was called “Hogg” as completing the connection with Shelley. What he did not know was just what Joan had always known without knowing it: the kind of people concerned, the traditions of aristocrats like the Shelleys or of Borderers like the Ettrick Shepherd.
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