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2 апреля 2017
А вот теперь, коллеги, вот вам пример на тему, что не надо упрощать перевод, вот не надо.. Это многстрадальный писатель Брэдли Дентон и его не менее пострадавший в преводе русском рассказ "Территория"
http://imgur.com/a/CbrwC - перевод


his horse until it was nose to nose with Black Bess.
"We've come too far!" he screamed, pointing his pistol at the Colonel. "We've come too far and our people have suffered too much! This raid was your idea, and you talked me into committing my own men to the task! God damn you, Quantrill, you're going to see it through!"
Quantrill gave Anderson a cold stare. "We have received new intelligence," he said. "The situation has changed."
Anderson shook his head, his long hair flying wild under his hat. "Nothing has changed! Nothing! The Yankees have killed one of my sisters and crippled another, and I won't turn back until I've killed two hundred of them as payment! And if you try to desert me before that's done, the two-hundred-and-first man I kill will be named Billy Quantrill!"
Quantrill turned to Todd. "George, place Captain Anderson under arrest."
Todd drew his pistol. "I don't think I will," he said, moving his horse to stand beside Anderson's. "We've come to do a thing, so let's do it."
The murmurs among the men grew louder.
"What's wrong with you?" Gregg shouted at Todd and Anderson. "Colonel Quantrill is your commanding officer!"
Todd sneered. "No more of that 'Colonel' bullshit. Jefferson Davis wouldn't give this coward the time of day, much less a commission."

Есть разница?!
