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5 июля 2022
Бешеный Воробей, там вообще весь фик прекрасен, как ебаный ядерный рассвет.
Aemon dropped to the ground, clutching the pierced knee. The young prince screamed in agony at what had just happened.
Daemon immediately ran to his son, in turn also trying to remove the arrow from his knee. It was with this that Brynden Rivers and his Raven's Teeth were finally able to zero in on Daemon Blackfyre.
То есть, Эймон на земле, Деймон припадает к земле, и тут-то его Бринден и увидел. Что-то у него странненькое со зрением.

Выживший ПроеБолл чудом спасает Деймона и тот делает Мудрый Вывод:
Instead of catching in Daemon and Aemon, most caught in Ser Quentyn's shield, or deflected off his armour. It seemed that the Gods had convened to spare Daemon, a fact that did not go over his head.

ЭйЭй решают... подраться с Бейлором, потому что почему нет? Бейлор решает, что должен помочь суициднику:
His platinum blonde locks billowed in the wind like a knight in shining armour. He was fighting against Baelor Breakspear, just as Aegon had described. This was his chance...
...and all Aemon could do was watch as it was cruelly ripped from him. In an instant, the Targaryen Prince had stuck down Aegon, slicing through his neck as if he were made of air.
брат суицидника не впечатлён:
'You.' Aemon seethed 'You killed my brother. Butchered him like livestock. I will have vengeance for that.'
In the haze, he could hear steps from behind him, someone walking past him. He was sure those footsteps belonged to Prince Baelor.
'He's just... walking past me? After what he's done, he just walking past like I'm nothing?!'
Почему вдруг второго суицидника он не убил? Аффтар так велел.

Таким образом, методом чудом выжившего ПроеБолла и забывчивого Бейлора, Блэтфайры выигрывают Краснотравную, ибо вай нот.
