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Тощий Бетон_вторая итерация Онлайн
16 июня 2023
Я сегодня озарился мыслью, что пункт из одного вполне серьёзного доклада можно использовать литературненько, в том числе, как оценку плюшек, падающих на этих вот всех. "Alternatively, if the enhancement elicits apparently courageous actions from a soldier who continues to have seriously inappropriate feelings, attitudes, and judgments about battlefield risk, we would not say that the outcome of the enhancement is a courageous or “good” soldier; we have merely boosted the utility of a bad one. Enhancements of this sort would be problematic not only in particular cases, but also because they could interfere more generally with the ethical habituation of virtuous soldiers, who become prudentially wise actors only by habitually learning to see situations correctly and develop appropriate responses and strategies for dealing with them. If enhancements come to be used as a substitute for that learning process, they will actually hinder the cultivation of prudent, courageous and good soldiers, according to virtue ethics" 2 |