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28 ноября 2023
Viara species
Oh no, your english is extremely good! I just didn't want to force you to switch to the language I'm fluent in unless you wanted to yourself, so I translated my comments into russian instead. (And you speak more languages than I do, so I'm not going to criticise you hahah)
Thank you again for your thoughtful review and your comments...! I'm very happy to hear that your life is much better now!

I do have one thing to say (not a criticism of your reading! Just authorial intent + canon context that might shed light on why I chose this particular scene to end on besides tonal balance), continuing on from your comment chain here (forgive me for any misinterpretation, i hope I'm reading this correctly):

О, вот тут тогда уже сыграло роль мое слабое знание канона! Хотя на самом деле... Знаете, мне кажется, что тут уже достаточно даже частичной потери силы. Достаточно перестать слышать голоса Дома и мысли Джарлакса, чтобы уже сами основы привычного, но с трудом выстроенного неестественного мира пошатнулись. А этой трещины уже достаточно, чтобы весь пройденный путь казался бессмысленным: Киммуриэль же, в конце-то концов, стремился к абсолюту!

So one of the conflicts that Kimmuriel has as a character in the canon text is that he was trained to obey the wishes of his mother and his family:

"I did not know that I was dealing with handmaidens, but even had I known, I am commanded by Matron K’yorl to serve Bregan D’aerthe as I would serve House Oblodra, and thus am I bound."

But eventually he is forced, due to his family's death, to live his own life as an individual when he was never raised for that purpose.

In that low point, Jarlaxle offers him kindness and a place to belong. Ultimately, Kimmuriel chooses the warmth of another person and thinks of it as a connection worth pursuing, even if that person has closed off his thoughts so Kimmuriel can't read him.

Essentially he is making a conscious decision to meet Jarlaxle in the middle and compromise; he is not forced to because he lost his powers, he is choosing to despite still having them, and taking his first step onto a new path by doing so because it is a choice he himself made with no input from anyone else at all.

Rather than remain perfect in the ideals he was trained to uphold, he forgoes that ideal of 'heaven' which he was intended to achieve by past suffering, for an imperfect 'mortality' and an imperfect connection.

Hopefully that makes sense haha. Again I think the way you've read it is not wrong at all, I just wanted to add to it a little.
