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Комментарий к сообщению

20 февраля 2024
Гилвуд Фишер
Торин впринципе то не самый щедрый и приятный в общении мужик, так что оно только подстегнуло то что в нём и так есть.

“We knew it would be a desperate venture,” said Thorin, “and we know that still; and I still think that when we have won it will be time enough to think what to do about it. As for your share, Mr. Baggins, I assure you we are more than grateful and you shall choose your own fourteenth, as soon as we have anything to divide. I am sorry if you are worried about transport, and I admit the difficulties are great—the lands have not become less wild with the passing of time, rather the reverse—but we will do whatever we can for you, and take our share of the cost when the time comes. Believe me or not as you like!”

" Royal indeed did Thorin look, clad in a coat of gold-plated rings, with a silver-hafted axe in a belt crusted with scarlet stones.
“Mr. Baggins!” he cried. “Here is the first payment of your reward! Cast off your old coat and put on this!”.

Правда, свинья жадная? Вежливый, благодарит, с транспортировкой помочь обещает, кольчугу лично подарил. Ух, какое жуткое проклятье.
