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#подражание #my_english_literature

Mion woz at her kitchen in big castle that stands on the cliff near the sea. She toad her thoughts. Mion`s hurt woz in pain.
— What can ai do? — she opened big windou to look at the charmed view: blu wota and sand bitch. — What shuud ai do with Loboda?
— Good mornin, mai bootyfool love! — in kitchen voshol Loboda Hanjob. He woz lover of Mion`s. — Ai em starving. Can you cock me some thing?
— Ai dont cock! This is what sluzanki for! — blowed Mion.
— Sorey… Ai toad that after session of steamey sex you culd make me some meal, butt ai woz wrong. Why youre so angry?
— Ai think we shuud spit up! This cannot continue. Ai love my Proffesor Sneip.
— Dis cannot be throu… Your Proffesor is stydieing in Comebridge skull far away from you. Hes not around, butt ai em!
— Loboda, ai cunt steering at you right now! You shuud live immediately!
— Ai wont!
— You forced me… Carmelita, cum hear and and vuprovodi this man from my castle!
Big fat women commed in kitchen and took Loboda away.
Mion started to plakat`.
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#подражание #my_english_literature

Mion debutante in the Great Hole. She woz wering blu platie with white risunki on it. Vse guys around wanned to dance and sex her.
Butt Mion is neprestupnaya. She sitting behind the table and waitening for Proffesor Sneip — her one and trolly love.

— Well, hello-hello my deer! — voskliknul Proffesor. — Ai`ve been vaiting for your all day to cum heare.
— Oh. Sorry for maiking you vait… — water dropped from delightfool eyes of Mion. — Ai hope thet ai zaglazu vinu before you.

Proffesor and hiz lover danced oll nitelong. They wear young and vlublennye and in Great Hole.

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