sinking and sailing to swim (джен)
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Donatello & Leonardo & Michelangelo & Raphael (TMNT), Leonardo (TMNT), Michelangelo (TMNT)
Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Amputation, Episode: s03e21 Same As It Never Was
05.07.2024 — 05.07.2024
“I’m gonna need you to keep him still,” he’s instructing him sternly. Bullets shower over the top of the ditch, landing wetly into the soft mud that surrounds them. Leo pretends not to flinch. “I’m going to cut below the elbow. If he moves and I miss my mark, I don’t want to have to amputate any further up. That’ll… that’ll be harder.” He swallows thickly, everything in his mouth tasting like blood, bile and ash.
“He’s gonna go into shock,” Leo adds, voice only wavering slightly as he tightens the belt a notch more, all the red hot broken skin below it jumping at the touch. “So just keep him focused, alright? Keep him focused and awake.”
Raph is pale, jaw slightly open and his eyes bearing an impossible amount of grief already as he sandwiches his brothers face between his hand, swallows a brave little mouthful of air and tells him,
“Mike. Mike, kiddo. This is gonna hurt a little but,” his voice shakes. Rain pelts down hard around them, fat little droplets bouncing off his shell like small pebbles. “But you gotta keep your eyes on me, ‘kay?” He squishes his face tightly, his eyes shaking uselessly in his skull like a pair of marbles. “Just keep your eyes on me, Mikey.”
Последнее обновление: 8 июля 2024.
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