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Take This Heart (гет)

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Carlisle Cullen/Bella Swan, Edward Cullen, Jacob Black, Charlie Swan, Jasper Hale, Alice Cullen, Esme Cullen, Emmett Cullen, Rosalie Hale, Renee Dwyer, Phil Dwyer
2 137 Кб
09.10.2010 — 22.01.2013
Bella's life is a constant choice between bad and worse until she moves to Forks and meets the one man who can ease her burdens. But trust doesn't always come easily, especially when life has taught you that you're safer on your own.
Banner by IllicitWriter
Chapter 1: Bad Moon Rising Notes: Fair warning: this story is not all happy fluff. There's plenty of happy fluff in it, but there's also some very disturbing violence. Physical and emotional abuse are a big part of this story, and at times it gets pretty graphic. My heart goes out to anyone who has ever suffered abuse, because I know reminders can be hard to take. You know what your triggers are, and you know whether you can handle reading a fic like this, so this is the only warning I'll give to that effect.
I will say, however, that more than one person who has a history of abuse has found value in Bella's journey the way it is presented here. I love that, and if you feel like you can handle the graphic scenes, I invite you to come along. "[F]iction is fact, distilled into truth." (Edward Albee) That's why it matters. Shared experiences, whether painful or pleasurable, bind the human race together and make us stronger.
And finally, a note on the size of the story. Yes, it really is 111 chapters, and almost 430,000 words. That's roughly the equivalent of reading the first three Twilight books, plus most of Bree Tanner. I honestly have no idea how it got that long. Who knew I was even capable of writing so much? So yeah, it's daunting, and there are people who have chosen not to read based on size alone. I understand that. It is broken up into short, manageable chapters, though, which makes it an easier read, and I hope that helps.
If you've read all this and still decide you want to read this little (ha!) twiddle, I hope you enjoy it! I sure enjoyed writing it.
Stephenie Meyer
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