Leap of Faith (джен)
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Female Sith Inquisitor, Ashara Zavros, Talos Drellik, Khem Val, Andronikos Revel, 2V-R8, Treek, Xalek, Meetra Surik, HK-47, Revan
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Spoilers for Sith Inquisitor storyline, Spoilers for Maelstrom Prison flashpoint, Other Miscellanies SWTOR Spoilers, Spoilers for Knights of the Old Republic, Spoilers for Knights of the Old Republic II: the Sith Lords restored content mod, Spoilers for The Old Republic: Revan
02.01.2015 — 02.11.2015
Needing to find a way to boost her abilities before the final confrontation with Darth Thanaton, Nocturne'a Starshadow (the Female Sith Inquisitor) makes contact with the Force-ghost of Meetra Surik and learns of a Jedi held captive in a secret facility deep in the Outer Rim, who might be able to teach her to use the power of the Force in balance.
Последнее обновление: 21 августа 2019.
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